Prepare to Turn The Page

Selacia Article with Updates:
Prepare to Turn The Page
-End 2021 Without Regrets-
by Selacia
There is a palpable energy of transformation in the air now. It’s our collective, yet it’s also very personal. In fact, December could be a significant time of reset as you re-envision your life and prepare to turn the page. Continue reading to know how to navigate this reset so you can end 2021 without regrets.
We are soon moving into what will be a historic year of global societal changes. Some of the uncertainty we feel on a daily basis relates to the upheaval coming in 2022. These energies are in the background as each of us prepares for a deeper level of shifts in how we live and interact with the world.
Compared with our ancestors and our own past lives, we haven’t previously experienced the magnitude of change and ongoing need to adapt relentlessly. To have inner peace in these times requires that we accept our current dynamic and embrace it.
If you look back even a few years at how you navigated December, you likely will remember a simpler time. There were holidays, and likely reflections about how you wanted to turn the page to create something new.
Turning The Page
Think of your life experience as a book with chapters. There’s a beginning, middle, and end. Each experience, from the perspective of your soul’s journey, is relevant and a part of the whole. Some years in your life are so significant to your self-evolution, they have their own chapters. I invite you to consider that 2021 and 2022 are those kinds of years.
Ending 2021 Without Regrets
Given what I say above, it’s vital that you use December to consciously prepare yourself for turning the page.
Why? It’s not about the page turning. What’s important is HOW you approach the page turning.
It’s about your level of reflection and inner work to make peace with situations that need to transform or end. It’s also about generating self-acceptance as you consider self-destructive habits and grudges you hold about other people and life circumstances.
The recipe for “no regrets” includes self-acceptance, humility, self-compassion, and forgiveness.
As you apply this recipe in December, you prepare to end 2021 on a high note – having learned from experiences and grown spiritually. This allows you to feel lighter and more joyful as 2022 begins.
I look forward to your feedback on this article and knowing how I can serve you in an expanded way. Feel free to contact me at my website.
Copyright by Selacia – Writer & Guide for Awakened Souls at Communication for Transformation * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.
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Below The Picture Offerings
1-Dec 4 New Moon Eclipse Global Meditation
2Divine Changemakers Embody Your Passion Register Now for Evergreen Course
3-Private Sessions with Selacia – DNA Healing & Astrology
4-Subscribe to Selacia on YouTube
5-Staying Connected – Social Media Pages to Follow
New Moon Eclipse Global Meditation – Dec. 4
Live & Recorded
Virtual: 6:30-8:30pm Pacific Standard Time
Global group sharing starts: 6:15pm
eclipse season
New Moon Eclipse Global Meditation
Saturday * Dec. 4
Virtual * Live * Recorded
  • Life issues you addressed in November (including at the Nov. 20 global meditation) began preparing you for for a whole new level of opportunities and breakthroughs at the Dec. 4 meditation
  • The Dec. 4 meditation will involve an anchoring of new energies you hold within your field because of shifts you made in November – allowing for a deeper level of insights and clearing
Selacia’s Eclipse Season Meditations of Nov. 20 & Dec. 4:
  • Connect with opportunities of eclipse season
  • Navigate the energies of these significant transformative eclipses
  • Prepare for mega life shifts that may be catalyzed suddenly like a bolt of lightning
  • Reset your energy to a higher frequency
  • Have assistance managing new beginnings and endings available at this eclipse season
  • Clear your anxiety and tension arising during this powerful energy gateway of change
  • Join with others across the world, sharing with them before the meditation starts and at the very end – building bonds and connection with others like you on a spiritual path
  • Experience sacred sound preparing you for guided process and receiving the energies
  • Participate in a powerful planetary healing – including an experience with energetic forms of dolphins and whales that join these meditations monthly
  • During a powerful guided healing process with one of your spirit guides, receive a quantum level of energy and life insights that help you move forward with increased self-awareness and trust in your inner wisdom
Don’t miss it by registering NOW.
World Peace Dove
Crystals (optional for registrants): if you have a favorite crystal you want to energetically include in our meditation (live or MP3), designate it in advance of guided process. Not necessary to hold the crystal, but you can if desired.  A quantum grid of healing will be created with the crystals, as part of the planetary healing.
Essential oils (optional for registrants): if you resonate with essential oils, it’s recommended that you apply or diffuse therapeutic grade oils. These will raise your frequency and help you experience the healing energies on a deep level. Among the oils often suggested: Young Living’s Awaken, Into the Future, Frankincense, Sacred Mountain, Clarity, Joy, Sandalwood, 3 Wise Men, Abundance. The ones Selacia works with are from Young Living. If you are new to aromatherapy or want more information about these oils and how to get yours from Young Living, contact Selacia.
The meditation event MP3, and dial-in codes you receive on registration, are NOT for sharing with ANYONE, including friends and family.
All registrants receive MP3.
Packet & dial-in/codes emailed upon registration. In the packet (a PDF link within the dial-in email) is more background on the meditations and optimal ways to participate.
Note: Global meditations are virtual audio events. Participate from anywhere in the world. On registration, receive email bridge line number for your country. Call in 15 minutes early to connect with live participants from around the world. Live group sharing happens at the very end of the meditation, too, after the recorded portion ends.
Not yet registered for the Dec. 4 New Moon Eclipse Meditation?
Don’t miss it! Register HERE.
Seeing this email after the Dec. 4 meditation and want the MP3?
Note: the day after meditations, the MP3 is available to order on Selacia’s website home page – contact her if you don’t see it there.
Selacia’s 2021 Course – Now Evergreen
Divine Changemakers
Embody Your Passion –
Prepare for Your Change in The World
Available Now As Evergreen:
Embody Your Passion
Prepare for Your Change in The World *
*Open to all – no prerequisites
Selacia’s 2021 course – offered live in September-October – is now available to take as “evergreen” at your own pace.
Contact Selacia for more information and registration.
This is a not-to-miss experiential course you will benefit from throughout the 2020s!
Get started with the course in December, utilizing this potent time of catalysts to change your life with course tools.
In general, participating in this course will help you to:
  • Receive spiritually-grounded tools to fully embody your passion and navigate change
  • Become more “at home” with yourself – so you can feel more at home in this world and create an amazing life!
  • Improve your relationships with others and become more comfortable engaging with people in the outside world – personal, business, strangers
  • Discover how to prepare for your change in the world – in an ongoing way – learning how to see yourself through the eyes of love, regularly update your priorities, and navigate unknowns
  • Receive tools and energetic support that helps you prepare for leaps into new situations
  • Increase your level of self-awareness and tap a deeper level of self-trust in your guidance


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