An Unusual Eclipse Portal Approaches


Hey Beautiful Being ~

The Eclipse Cycle begins this coming week… and the energy, as I tune into it, is vast and REALLY beautiful!!

I don’t think I’ve ever felt, or said that before about Eclipses!! But that is how this one feels — really beautiful. Exquisite. Powerful, yes, and potent, but most of all, just so incredibly really beautiful.

I wonder what that means?  🥰

I am excited to experience these eclipses! 

Can you believe I am saying that? I am!! I Am a bit surprised myself, but this feels really different than other Eclipse Cycles, to me.

Eclipse cycles often feel pretty intense. And this one may be STRONG, but I sense it might be really different. It might be so full of love and the incredible caring energy of the Infinite…

We’ve created a new program to make the most of the energies and possibilities of this time. I invite you to read the new channeled message about the harmonic potentials available to each of us now…and 

Feel into what this Eclipse Passageway


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