NorthPoint Journal May 17 to 23, 2021

NorthPoint Astrology Journal
Your weekly guide to planetary influences
May 17 to 23, 2021
by Pam Younghans
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IT WAS GREAT to see everyone who joined us for last week’s webinar! Whether you attended live on Zoom or will be watching the replay, I hope you find the presentation helpful as you navigate the next four months.
If you missed the class and wish you hadn’t – no worries! You can still purchase the replay and support materials. Just send an email with “Webinar Replay” in the subject line to, and I’ll reply with details.
A TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE is just 10 days from now (on May 26), so we’re very much in the building phase of this eclipse cycle. Even with all the energy shifts lately, you may have noticed an increase in changes and challenges since last week’s New Moon.
I’ll be writing more about this eclipse in next week’s Journal, of course – but I also want to explain why you won’t hear me saying that the eclipse is aligned with the Galactic Center (GC), even though you may read it elsewhere.
The GC is currently at about 27 degrees Sagittarius. The eclipse on May 26 is at 5 degrees Sagittarius. This means that the eclipse is 22 degrees away from being exactly aligned with the GC. I am among the astrologers who generally use a three or four-degree “orb” (number of degrees away from exactitude) when deciding whether there is a true alignment in situations like this. I would consider an eclipse to be conjunct the GC if it were between about 24 degrees Sagittarius to 0 degrees Capricorn.
In other words, I do not consider this upcoming eclipse to be conjunct the GC – but it has plenty of other qualities that make it impressive! It’s a Total Eclipse, which is the strongest kind. It’s occurring when the Moon is closest to the Earth in its orbit, so it’s a SuperMoon, which also strengthens its effects. So, yes, we can anticipate great energies being activated by this eclipse! And, we are already feeling them.
THE PRIMARY INFLUENCE we are working with this week is a strong Saturn effect. Saturn is moving very slowly now, and will come to a standstill next Sunday, then reverse direction and begin its retrograde phase.
Whenever a planet is slowing its pace, getting ready to reverse direction, we tend to sense its energies more profoundly. This effect usually occurs for at least a week or two on either side of the date of its station. So, this week and next, especially, we are feeling Saturn’s call to maturity, to responsible action, to patience, and to persistence, perhaps in the face of specific lessons or challenges.
FOR THE NEXT FIVE MONTHS, while the Ringed Planet is retrograde, we are called to develop greater inner discipline, a stronger sense of our inner authority, and the perspective of Wise Elder in all our endeavors. These may be necessary qualities to cultivate, since Saturn retrograde tends to delay developments in business and other concrete goals related to establishing our sense of purpose in the outer world. During Saturn retrograde, it is considered a better time to tie up any loose ends that could get in the way of long-term success, instead of starting new enterprises.
Saturn’s turn to go retrograde on Sunday also puts it on course for its second exact square with Uranus. This event will occur on June 14, just about four weeks from now.
WE ARE ENTERING phase two of a three-stage process, that began with the first Saturn-Uranus square on February 17 and will complete with the last square on December 24. In my webinars, I have called this Saturn-Uranus square a “cosmic experiment,” designed to push humanity to implement significant social change and also to awaken higher consciousness in each individual as we deal with “real-world” challenges.
The Saturn-Uranus square is one of the defining energies of 2021. This is an aspect of major social change. Its effects are being seen in political realms, through the ever-deepening divide between progressives and conservatives. We also see Saturn-Uranus in the limitations on personal freedoms that have occurred as we’ve managed a global pandemic.
Among the “cosmic questions” being asked through this square: Can humankind resolve our differences and rise above the obstacles that stand between where we are and what is possible? Can we shift enough so that all those starry-eyed visions we have of the “Age of Aquarius” can actually come to pass, so that peace and love will truly guide our intentions and interactions on this beautiful planet we call Home?
THE DAILY INFLUENCES that we’ll be working with this week are listed below, along with my brief interpretations of each:
Sun trine Pluto: We begin the week with a sense of focus and purpose. This trine helps us feel aligned with our higher mission.
Venus conjunct North Node: Relationships are highlighted today, especially the ways in which they require us to improve communication skills.
Venus sextile Chiron, Venus sesquiquadrate Pluto: Some discomfort in personal relationships. With Healer Chiron involved, we can perhaps best manage current difficulties by taking the time to nurture and support the aspect of our being that is fearful of not being heard, or of being misunderstood and taken advantage of.
Mars sesquiquadrate Jupiter: A time to tread carefully, as feelings are easily bruised, activating defensiveness and anger.
Venus trine Saturn: This trine usually has a stabilizing effect on relationships, which will be needed after recent disruptions. We feel more supported and are likewise willing to be supportive of others.
Sun enters Gemini: For the next month, while the Sun transits through Gemini, people can tend to be more sociable, curious, and eager for variety. There is an enhanced need to keep the mind engaged with interesting activities and learning. We may also feel more scattered and unfocused due to following the thread of so many new ideas.
Sun square Jupiter: With Jupiter in visionary Pisces, this square can untether us from reality a bit – something we may already be feeling with next week’s Total Lunar Eclipse straight ahead of us! This may be a good time for dreaming big, but perhaps not the best for decision-making skills.
Mercury square Neptune: This mind-altering square builds on yesterday’s energies, taking us further into the cosmic realms. It can be hard to concentrate with this aspect, as it is better suited for losing ourselves in beautiful music or soft candlelight.
Saturn stations retrograde: See above.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: The desire to express yourself is heightened this year, whether verbally or in written form. There is also a strong urge to gather new information and to learn as much as you can on various subjects, perhaps spiritual in nature. What you learn, once tested for its practical application, can be easily integrated into your sense of higher purpose. For some, you may make great progress on manifesting your dreams of being a spiritual alchemist, one who transmutes lower vibrational thoughts and mental patterns to their higher form. (Solar Return Sun square Jupiter, trine Pluto)
In peace and with gratitude,
For a recording and non-English versions of this Journal, click HERE.
NorthPoint Journal © 2021 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.
Aspects of Note This Week
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours. 
MON: Sun trine Pluto, Venus conjunct North Node
TUE: Venus sextile Chiron, Venus sesquiquadrate Pluto, Mars sesquiquadrate Jupiter
WED: Venus trine Saturn
THU: Sun enters Gemini
FRI: Sun square Jupiter
SAT: Mercury square Neptune
SUN: Saturn stations retrograde
 About the NorthPoint Journal
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to offer perspectives to assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.
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NorthPoint Journal copyright 2021 Pam Younghans. All Rights Reserved.


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