Warriors Of Light Walk Free


Warriors Of Light Walk Free

We are fast approaching a huge awakening, where by those who have ruled beneath our feet have held us within their grasp of fear and their darkness for thousands of years. WE are now challenging them by the LIGHT, and the banners the TRUTH of who we truly are… We are all now stepping up, speaking out, and becoming our own saviours, as we SEE through this charade of fear, invoking decisions to be taken by those who live in fear of what is being projected out in the world right now, which is meant to divide us even further as Human Beings..

Easter reminds us of Rebirth, of Ascension, and the Glory of God/Source and the Miracles of an emergence out of a sealed tomb, into the Light. We are now emerging from our shadow selves, into the LIGHT of our Pure selves.

Soon my friends… I feel very soon when we gather in our own Christed Light in Unity…. As our True Hearts gather in ONEness, we will then begin to create our reality, to bringing Harmony into our inner worlds and then it will be projected out into our outer world… We do that by letting go of our Conditioned indoctrination of being a Victim… Stepping out of our self imprisonment to step into our Power of our true Natures…. We are Sovereign BE-ings…. Responsible for our Thoughts, Actions, Deeds. We are the Ones we have been waiting for, and only We, can set ourselves free of being victims in allowing our Lights to be extinguished by those whom think, they are in control of us.

The poem Below I wrote many years ago now…. I wrote within a few minutes within my spiritual circle as I asked everyone to tune in and write from their hearts… Many wrote poems, while others wrote short stories.. But the theme of all of them had at there core was Love and Light, and being true to ourselves..

Its amazing when we gather collectively how often our thoughts will unite and generate similar themes.. Just think of the power we can create if we all of us harmonise and send out that love to bring about harmony, to stop the divisions now purposely being created to cause conflict.. How powerful is Prayer, look to the Power of Eight

I hold no judgement for others actions, as frustrating as these times are, for we each play our parts into bringing about our worlds rebirth. Including those who are playing their darker roles, for they are helping us see this is the duality of our natures.. We hold both. I am now seeing further down the road in our timeline, and it maybe many will still not understand or even contemplate the level of transformation I see, or understood why these choices were made… For many will sacrifice themselves in order for the Light to shine in this fork in our road. The choices each of us choose is going to be a difficult one for many to bare, as we part company with those whom we thought held light, but were hoodwinked by fear...

Many in our future months will be in shock at what our reality is, it may be some will never comprehend the level of our inhumanity to the most purest souls on earth, our children. Or comprehend how many children go missing in the world and why? A subject many will skirt around and not wish to see. As I said in previous posts, that I would start and speak of is truth, and many may think this is not of the Light… But this darkness now has to be brought up into the Light for us to rid the world once and for all of this evil..

I don’t ask any of you to believe me, in fact I would rather you go away and do your own research and find your own truth, or find something to disprove me.. In fact I challenge you to go and find your own information. Because we should not rely upon one source to tell us our daily news… And when you understand why that is… you will have cracked a huge code of misconduct by the mainstream media.. But its not for me to tell you, You have to go find your truth for yourselves.

Because we now need to step up and become Warriors, and that means shining our Light in darkened corners others may wish to leave alone.. It means not agreeing with the narrative, it means speaking our own minds while we still have free speech, and it means using our reason and discernment and not being coerced or indoctrinated by fear or fines.. It means critically thinking for ourselves and not being told what to think or how to behave and how to live. It means I breathe in God’s given oxygen, and it means I hug whom allows me to hug them…

So, I am seeing a huge separating of energy… As we see the choices being made through Fear take hold of hearts which within my own circle of friendships, I had thought these hearts were understanding of Light vs Dark…. But through their own fear, they have made their choice… As have I…

I choose Not to stand in Fear. But stand in Unity and Love, and the Truth of my own Health and wellbeing.

Warriors Of Light.

Warriors of Light are you on Earth,

Looking for answers searching for re-birth.

Look not to the Heavens for your Answers.

But look within stop taking chances.

You’ve embarked upon your journey this is true.

All that’s surrounds you is created by you.

Lead by example of Truth and of Good

Stop your worrying, stay out of the wood.

The wood that blinds you full of material things.

Trust us we’ll help you our fellow Earthlings.

You’re Warriors of Light, of this you’ve been told.

Be brave of heart, be steadfast be bold.

Hold up the Banner of Truth and Love.

You are your own Saviours, not we up above.

To change your world of the plight it is in.

Know how to master your thoughts you think in.

To reshape and build you need to create

With vision of hope, get rid of the hate.

We surround you with Love, release your Ego,

And the Warriors Cry will be for PEACE LET GO.

Happiness after all is just a state of mind

Allowing it to happen brings joy you’ll find.

Caretakers you are of this world called Earth.

Imagination and Vision are yours at Birth.

Know you are but spec’s who light up the way,

The journey is long you are Warriors we say.

We bring you our shield of transformation.

Your beginnings are small but spread to All Nations.

Hold up your Banner Of Truth and Love.

You are the Saviours, we observe from above.

You’ll pierce those hearts with Light of Truth.

We bless you and leave you Warriors of Youth.

©By Sue Dreamwalker2008

I include here the great artist Akiane Kramarik as she paints FREEDOM, I see us all holding high our light as we delve deeper into the unknown darkness of what has surrounded us for Aeons, which is now being brought out into the Light…. I see this too as a sign of those who are Warriors who are rescuing Children at great risk to themselves from around the world right now.. Some of you may know of what I speak, those who do not will have to dive deep into some deep underground tunnels to expose that Darkness…. Hold your lights High my friends….. Hold onto your TRUTH…. But most of all Hold onto your LOVE and Compassion…. We are all of us going to need each others hands to hold onto.



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