Bringing Heaven to Earth


Sundeelia:  Bringing Heaven to Earth – Part Two

Years ago, I started a blog, Blue Dragon Journal.  I was encouraged by a then friend in Great Britain to begin sharing my writings.  I was intimidated by the whole notion and resisted jumping in for quite a while.  Then in 2012, I did it… I made the commitment and started writing.  I haven’t stopped since.

Of course, in 2012, there was all the hype about the ending of the Mayan Calendar on December 21st, 2012.  People were confused.  Some people pushed the notion that the Earth was going to pop into 5D overnight and that we would awake in the morning of the 22nd to discover a whole new world.  Well, of course, that didn’t happen or did it?

Here’s what I wrote a couple of days after the portal of 12/21/12:

I was very happy when I woke up on Friday, December 21st, 2012, now seven years ago. Apparently, I brought back with me (from wherever / whenever I had been) an impression that I finally understood my “mission”. What I had read in one of the posts from “Cosmic Awareness” the previous evening was a confirmation of what I had felt for a long time. I was not going to be beamed up into some heavenly world; rather, I was going to remain here on Earth. And I was to continue to work with the good people here, my friends and neighbors and those whom I have not yet met “in the flesh”. I was pleased and content.

I continued writing a very long article on what I had been experiencing for many years.  Below is a brief excerpt:

During the past months, even years, I had been visited by various non-physical beings who seemed quite intent that I remember who I was and what I was doing here. And what has been changing all during this period is my perception of what and who I am (still in process!). The revelations still are coming and still present a challenge for my mind to accept, that is how great I AM and, indeed, how great everyone who is reading this is. Through our long journey immersed in the heavy energies of the third dimensionality and conditioning of this planet, we have forgotten that we are still connected to Source and always have been. We are, already, fully multi-dimensional beings; we just have forgotten. Now as the Veil thins, we are beginning to wake up to the full majesty of our beings and as star beings and lightworkers bring that growing awareness to the rest of humanity.

The consciousness of the Light Being who wrote those words has gone, returned Home, her mission completed as of April 14, 2017.  That’s when I walked in as an adult walk-in.  It has taken me over three years to accustom my new consciousness, that of Commander Sundeelia VaCoupe Mathdis, to the lower frequencies of the Earth plane.  Days after the completion of the walk-in process, I became very angry.  It took three and half years to release that anger, resentment, grief, and sense of profound disconnection and loss of Home.  I’m better now.  I’m better now because I now have a growing sense of a new mission – to embody as much of my Higher Self’s frequency here on Earth in my older physical vehicle.  It is a big job and I am not alone.

Again, humanity is confronted by the energies of a new portal, December 21, 2020.  It will be winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere and summer Solstice in the south.  The date also marks a cyclical conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, occurring every 20 years, 200 years… and longer.  This time is special as in the sky, Jupiter and Saturn will be forming what is expressed “the Christmas Star”.  The planets will be so close to the Earth and close to each other as to appear as one shining entity.

This conjunction also marks the entrance into Aquarius for these two planets, an astrological phenomenon that has not occurred for a long time.  I am not an astrologer, but listened to one explaining how the conjunction occurs in different Elements (Earth, Air, Water, Fire) as it moves through the cycles.  Aquarius is an Air sign, so the quality of the conjunction will change the energetics or effects of the planetary alignment.  (see the works of Laura Walker, The Oracle Report, for further illumination or any good astrologer of your choice).

The planetary controllers, the Cabal, would… have attempted to hijack the timeline to create their version of the world, controlled, limited, full of fear, war, and destruction.  They have long been pushing an agenda designed to initiate war, economic collapse, destruction of America and any other nation state that resists the U.N. agenda 2021, creating a Marxist-style world-wide dictatorship designed to crush creativity, free-thinking, and life itself.

In direct contrast to the Cabal’s agenda is the vision of the New Earth, a place of abundance, freedom, peace, goodwill among individuals and nations, a fruitful place for our children and ourselves.  This vision has been expressed as the Paradise World.  It is the positive timeline.  It has been suggested that nothing and no one can push us from this positive outcome… what can change is how long it will take for the paradisaical New Earth to manifest physically upon this planet.  And that is where the light workers come in…

Back in the 1980’s some people started receiving visions of great disaster, where it would be necessary for the Galactic Federation to physically assist some persons to leave the planet in order to save a portion of the population.  You can look some of these up yourself… it was a grim vision.  That prophecy or vision has not come to past… as some of the visions allegedly foretold in the much-edited version of the Bible have not come to past, for the work of the light workers and those who dedicate their lives to prayer, meditation, and inner clearing work… well, that work has shifted the timelines so significantly that the dire predictions will not come to past.  Yet, much depends on how we manage our inner equilibrium during this upcoming energetic portal, both on an individual and collective level.

What you think, feel, and emote (give forth) will determine much of this upcoming cycle of time for your own life.  If you have been one to work on inner clearing, healing of the physical body, making dietary changes, changing and adjusting your attitude and outlook, envisioning your dreams… and so… you will have an easier time adjusting to the change in the energetics as the LIGHT will be turned on.

Light is Divine Intelligence, the wisdom of Creation, the Mind of Source.  The secret the Cabal has hidden from humanity for centuries is that a human being always has immediate access to the wisdom if it is access through a heart and mind aligned with the Will of God.

By using the word ‘God’, I am using a trigger word that really sets people off due to the high degree of programming that has been active in this world.  Religion is about control, controlling thought, allowing evil to flower in this world because the followers of religion do not question the authority granted those who run the religion.  Yet, there is a true Mother/Father God energy, Source, Creation… that is not physical yet manifests through the physical, through your own Heart Center, and through your body.

Why has Western religion sought to decry the physical aspects of life?  It was an attempt to prevent this very physical ascension phase that humanity is now undergoing as a collective and certainly on an individual basis.

The light workers of this planet are to embody… bring their Light Being consciousness fully into the body.  As the Divine Light of the Light Being is brought into the body, your life will change, synchronicities will abound, creativity will expand, a sense of freedom and expansion will occur all without the need to go anywhere.  We are in the process of bringing Heaven to Earth… bringing the Light of our Higher Selves here to Earth, anchoring that Light and Love which will, in and of Itself, dissolve and transform the lower frequency constructs of the old paradigm. In other words, we ain’t going anywhere except IN, into our hearts, into our bodies, and anchoring the Light we feel into our Earth.

The people who are currently awake on this planet are a tiny minority, yet they are the yeast to leaven the bread of consciousness for Humanity.  There has to be pioneers who whack their way through the dark and heavy energies of the lower frequency constructs of the old paradigm, see them for what they are, and decide not to allow those energies, beliefs, programs, feelings, or emotions to dominate their existence anymore.

You have a God-given choice every day, every moment, every time you realize you don’t have to believe what is being broadcast over mainstream media.  You don’t have to believe the lies, the propaganda that is designed to pull you back into fear and denial of the beauty of your inner being.  It is a choice and one each person is responsible for making.  Yet, it is a choice that is first being taken by those who are awake… for those who are not.  We are the stewards for humanity.  It is up to us to develop and hold not only self-love and self-respect, but also love, empathy, compassion and forgiveness for all of humanity, without exception – which means including all members of the Cabal, all villains, felons, and murderers throughout the history of Earth.

Everything we witness is an illusion, a play, a game… and the ultimate goal is self-mastery.  Some players wear black, some players wear white.  The game will be won by all of humanity once the collective aligns in universal love and unified collective consciousness at a high frequency level… at least 5D.  How long it will take us to reach that level, who knows… but the upcoming Solstice alignment is a portal, a gateway to the New World if we wish to enter it NOW.  It is up to us.  It is our choice.  And then, when we make that choice, it is up to us to have the faith and trust in the benevolence of Creation to see that vision become manifest.  It is a process.

How well we hold the vision within will determine how soon you begin to feel different, to experience a new perspective, a widening of your perception of how beautiful this world is already.  For let me tell you a secret, dear ones, the fifth dimensional New Earth is already here.  It is the human consciousness that still lingers in the third dimension.  The animals experience 5D; 95% of humanity does not… so, that is the mission defined, assist humanity to rise up to 5D by doing the work within each of us first!  Yes, you need to do the work on an individual basis, which first means becoming the Observer of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, judgments, programs, beliefs… everything that triggers you and making the choice to let them flow and go… transforming your inner world before it manifests and mirrors back to you in the outer world.

So, I know I have my work cut out for me… working on getting my body in a healthier state, continuing the clearing work on old traumas experienced elsewhere (off this particular planet) and doing the meditation work to calm the mind and open the heart, so I can successfully embody more of the higher frequency energies now being poured out upon this planet from the center of the Cosmos.

We can see the Christmas Star in the physical and bring its Light into our own Hearts and shine that Light upon all of the darkness and evil upon the earth until it is lifted up in frequency and exists no longer within the hearts of humanity.  It is a sacred trust and mission for all those who wish to participate consciously in this NOW moment.

I send blessings and love to all upon this sacred globe of living blue-green sentient life, Mother Earth, Gaia…

I AM Sundeelia, aka Eliza Ayres

© All Rights Reserved, no portion of this message is permitted to be duplicated via video or recording; Eliza Ayres,


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