A Message from Your Guides 4/21/19

A Message from Your Guides   April 21, 2019
Beloved Ones, 
It is with great joy that we greet you this day! All is in readiness for your collective ascension. The way each of you conducts yourself is indicative of where you are on the scale of ascension. There is no time like the present to raise yourselves up more and more through your choices. Each choice you make has a ripple effect on the rest of your human family. We ask that you come into the knowing that the more you make choices to live in your truth and integrity and let go of that which does not serve the greater good, the closer you are to your personal ascension and therefore the collective ascension. We cannot stress enough how each ones choices affect the whole. Ascension is a process that will take you into a greater knowing of who you are as divine beings having a human experience. Each choice brings you closer to or more distant from your personal ascension and therefore the collective ascension. We are pleased with the greater level of awareness you are continually coming into as you unfold on your individual and collective paths. The more in tune and attuned you are with the whole of your human family, the greater you will feel and know the truth of which we speak. There is no separation. All are in oneness. 
If and when you perceive other than oneness, you are not in alignment with your own ascension. That does not mean it is in the highest good for you to align with others that are out of alignment. It means it is in the highest good that you do what feels intrinsically right to you regardless of what others might perceive of your choices. When you live in accordance with your hearts knowing, know your choices are in the highest good. When you distance yourself from your hearts knowing through doing what is expected of you rather than what feels right in your heart, you are allowing yourself to be out of alignment with the greater good of all. When you remain in alignment with your hearts knowing, you will remain in alignment with what is in the greater good of all. The truth of your heart is often suppressed. The more you allow yourself to live in alignment with your hearts knowing, the more aligned you are with the greater good of all. Beloveds, there is much to be let go of in order to become more and more aligned with your own greater good and therefore the greater good of all. The more you can come into your hearts knowing by only aligning with that which resonates as truth, integrity, authenticity, and clarity, the more you will be gifted with more of all of these qualities. This path of heart takes courage. Courage begets more courage. The more courageous you become on your path of heart, the easier it is to remain aligned with the greater good. Be clear that this path of heart is as easy or as difficult as you perceive it to be. If you have become accustomed to giving your power away to others by seeking their approval, this path of heart will be more difficult for you. The more you are accustomed to being your own authority and standing in your own power, the easier the path of heart is for you to lead yourself on. There are no exceptions to this. 
Beloveds, know well that you are loved and guided and appreciated wherever you are on your path and we are loving you powerfully. Stand strong in the knowing that our love can support and sustain you in every way you allow it to. Trust that. Believe that. Live that and you will live well. Be strong and sustain your own highest good through your choices. Know that your daily sustenance can and will become others daily sustenance – as you are raised up you will raise up others more and more powerfully. We delight in the knowing of your smallest and grandest intentions toward your own greater good and therefore the greater good of all. Be in alignment with truth, integrity, and authenticity and your level of clarity on your path of heart will increase more and more. Stay in the knowing of universal love as a constant. Anything less is a denial of what each of you can claim as your divine birthright. Know that we are in a unique position to assist all on their path as each of you chooses to claim what is rightfully yours. There is no lack, there is only perception of lack. Be strong in the knowing that anything you perceive as lack is just that – perception. Drink deep at the well of divine abundance knowing that is what is available to each and every one of you. Beloveds it is with great joy that we hold you in love this day and every day. Be in joy. Be in love. Be one. 
And so it is. 
The Collective of Guides


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