Liberation From 3D/4D Timelines Possible NOW


Liberation From 3D/4D Timelines Possible NOW

By Jelelle Awen
Rumbles in lower 4D are really increasing in the last week. These rumbles look like rebellion and liberation, each individual soul and Metasoul aspects/soul fragments choosing what that liberation will look like. There is an opportunity to ‘unplug’ from the matrixes that have been created out of fear and resistance during this phase of polarized experimentation. This unplugging leads to more experience of resonance, love, soul purpose fueled bigness and trust in Divine Source.
The unplugging is unique to each soul aspect, yet, too, there are collective elements that are in place. For many years, I have seen in myself and in others various ways that we have plugged into these matrixes. The Matrix movie was right on about the back of the head plug that is put into the causal chakra. The causal chakra connects us to our star family, galactic consciousness, light language, activation of our star DNA. This causal plug specifically seems to connect to the 3D matrix that we’ve all chosen (on a soul level) as our playground….and yes at times feels like a prison for our multidimensional expression.
The unplugging from this 3D matrix can be done in meditation. As you walk into a room with others plugged in and ‘find’ your 3D self. You can see if your 3D self feels ready and negotiate the dissolving of the plug with much love. If you are reading this, you are probably unplugged already. All this is a soul’s choice when the time is right. In that way, it is not a ‘trap’ or a ‘punishment.’ I’ll be sharing a meditation soon to do this.
Another hookup to the lower 4D seems to be to a dark, swirling energy of AI (artificial intelligence) connected to the Archon/Reptilian/Draco consciousness of One Mind. In sessions, we have dissolved this One Mind fusion through connecting with the soul aspects within it. Not all Reptilians are connected to this, many are liberating themselves, including aspects of my Metasoul, that are leading the way for others to choose love. One Mind (hive mind) is deep programming and conditioning that feels almost impossible to release from as it just IS. This is different than Unity Consciousness, which is the higher vibrational 5D and higher feeling of being all part of Divine Source Essence.
Unplugging from One Mind happens as you connect with your Metasoul aspects that are plugged into it in their timelines. Each Metasoul aspect has to choose to sovereignly disconnect from it, which is a huge choice for them as it is all they have ever known. Many of these Draco/Archon aspects illicit fear and animosity in people, so approaching them with much love and compassion in your heart allows them to free themselves.
This liberation is happening on many timelines right now such as Egyptian, ‘Ancient’ Greece/Roman, Essenes/Early Christianity, Lower 4D Atlantis, Avalon/Camelot. You may be dreaming of these timelines and finding yourself drawn to research them. These are not in the ancient past, yet have a strong vibration in the Now (energy is always in the Now) which is why you can feel them and are drawn to them.
There is huge support from higher vibe Star BEings (such as Arcturians, Pleaidians, Sirians, Andromedans, Avians) to help those that are still in transition out of this 3D/lower 4D reality (us, Orions, Grays, Zetas, Vegans).
Going within your own soul to liberate your soul fragments with MUCH care and love to form a relationship with them allows them to ascend and awaken out of these 3D/lower 4D timelines. This is not just about regressing into their trauma points and scenes as a ‘past life’, which is so much the common approach. You can BE this ambassador of love, reuniting your soul again, with HUGE rewards and gifts in this exchange as you commit to actually forming lasting relationships with these aspects of your soul.
NOW is a time of accelerating transition and choice points of love. Choose your higher timeline and it will choose YOU. No one else can do this work for you. It becomes more and more of an honor.
This is the work we support you to engage with in 1:1 sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators, me and Gabriel Solais and Kalayna Solais. This is much deeper and more effective an approach than any other process I have heard of or seen to truly heal and transmute on a quantum level the emotional body, energy field, and soul itself. I am honored to be experiencing myself and then offer it to others. More information here:
Here is a guided meditation about the Metasoul and connecting to your akashic records, a good place to start: 


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