A direct message from the Guides: – October 2018


A direct message from the Guides:

We greet you this day. It is now time for you to embody all that you are into the human experience. We are here with you. You have done well to settle your affairs, to put your past misgivings behind you. Accept where you are now and how you wish to create. Create from the sound of silence. Accept offers of generosity. Allow the very nature of life and the shadow of misgiving to drop away.

Accept where you are. Drop the polarities from your awareness of right and wrong. Flow like water into the depths of love beyond measure. As you do, you shall notice the changing environment, and the shifts within you.

All is well.

You are dancing in the light of the moon yet we are here with you. You are submersed in the deceit game of others yet we are here witnessing the demise of your freedom. We are here with you.

We are here in present moment. We are here to liberate your mind. Your heart is free yet your mind would have you believe that you are held captive by the forces that govern your reality. Mass consciousness can easily be controlled, to be shaped by the behavior of others who wish to influence while injecting positions of authority into the mind of humanity.

We are here with you to help you to recognize the very truth of who you are. You are not the mind. You are light, a being of high intelligence fueled by love beyond measure, expressing through human form.

Claim your sovereignty.

Honor thyself, and as you do, know that all is truly well.

Take gentle care, and enjoy you own special path of service on this planet.

Wishing you all that your heart desires.

Carol Fitzpatrick

Copyright 2018, Arayu Productions, LC operating as Center for Planetary Awakening

CAROL FITZPATRICK is an internationally known seer, channel and guide. Her guidance centers on embracin g heart-centered consciousness for the fulfillment of our higher purpose. She acts as the vision holder and facilitator for the opening of intergalactic, inter dimensional stargates around the planet. She works with others in light community to anchor light in the form of 32 globally focused centers of light. She is the author of two books: Fear Not My Child and A Call to Remember: Follow Your Heart, Change the World.

Learn more: www.onnessofbeing.org * Phone: 540-785-7770 * em: carolfitzpatrick@comcast.net


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