Archangel Gabriel Daily Message – Sunday, December 31, 2017


Daily Message ~ Sunday December 31, 2017
By Trinity Esoterics on Dec 31, 2017 07:47 am

Dear Ones, on this last day of what has been a very intense and pivotal year for so many of you, we encourage you to stop and congratulate yourselves on the incredible amount of energy you have shifted and healing you have done. You have accomplished so very much.

We also encourage you to make this last day of the year a day of celebratory release. When you have been on a journey of letting go, integration, and healing for so long it can be easy to fall into the habit of looking for more things that are wrong. Trust the work you have done. Allow yourselves to be healed.

As you step into the energies of 2018 it is the dawn of a new day. You are moving forward into embracing your sovereignty as creators. Know if there is anything you need to address it will come up for you to deal with. There is no need to keep looking for what needs to be fixed. Instead, it is time to shift that energy into what you wish to create, experience, and support.

It is time to let your wholeness, your innate wisdom, and your divinity to lead the way into the highest expressions of self you are now more than ready to embrace and embody, and that is what we join you in celebrating today. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Hi everyone! It’s that time of year again! Every December I hold a donation drive to help offset the costs of offering our channeled content to you, every single day, all year long. Your donations are so important because they allow me to be able to keep providing this material for free.

Sooo, for the entire month of December, as an extra thank you, if you make a donation of any amount, you will automatically be entered into a total of four separate draws. One draw will be to win a free, hour long channeled reading. The other three draws will be to win any of the courses we offer – you get to choose which course you want!

I can’t tell you how much your love and support means to me and how much it helps me continue to be of service to you. If have found the daily messages to be helpful to you and you feel guided to give, please click the donate button at the top right of the page, or you can donate directly through PayPal to If you are in Canada, you can also donate by interac e-transfer to and make the answer to the secret question gabriel.

As always, I am so honoured to be part of this journey with each and every one of you, and I am wishing you all things bright and beautiful this holiday season and beyond.

With love and gratitude,

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Have a wonderful day !
Love, Shelley


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