Ascended Masters 20120804 ~ A Message from Archangel Metatron from the Temple of Creation on Sirius through Elizabeth Trutwin August 3, 2012


 A Message from Archangel Metatron from the Temple of Creation on Sirius

-through Elizabeth Trutwin

August 3, 2012

Channeler: momking

Dear Granddaughter,

We, the Grandmothers send you our messages of LOVE and PEACE as our chosen scribe at this time on the Earth to share with those who read our words on the web. WE LOVE YOU dear grandchild, make no mistake about it and we have not nudged you in to a new form of writing for you, channeling, by accident nor in order to trick you or anyone else.

We KNOW you very well. We have watched over you in the flesh and in Spirit for many moons, years, eons even if your mind can stretch that far.

While in form as your own biological grandmothers we each taught you some timeless bits of wisdom concerning the love of family, your own cultures and religions into which you incarnated in, and more broadly about the world at large and stimulated your love, encouraged your blessed heart in your own growing active body and imagination to embrace the whole world with curiosity and the sense of adventure and enthusiasm you feel for blessed Mama Earth.

NOW you have joined an online community; a set of them really, where that love touches other souls whom you can not see but know are there.

You read the other channeled messages as you interweave those you receive with them, and we know they affect you too. You filter them through your fine mind to discern that which is true from that which rings false or out of alignment from your own inner knowing and experiences in this lifetime. We encourage you to continue to do this as it is all educational and advances the evolution of your own path and that of others.

We come to you NOW in answer to your own prayers and huge longing to see PEACE established upon the Earth. We are midwives with you of birthing this long desired PEACE globally. You knew peace sitting in our laps, being read to, cooking together, visiting the zoo and the Smithsonian institutes, spending time learning new skills with your hands, walking in the woods, gardening, learning to read and write, playing games, spending time at social and family gatherings, studying at school.

You did not live under the threat of a bomb going off down the road or the sound of war planes flying overhead. You went to the movies without fear and watched some of your favorites with us. You had a sense of home, of neighborhood, of stability, despite some domestic situations that were troubling.

So we know you know about PEACE. Remember the example of the saying you heard often enough, “manners are the oil of civilization?”

The grandmother who served as an ambassador’s wife in Afghanistan and in Korea taught you that.

We ask you to write for us because it is so necessary to hear the voice, the voices united as One of elder female wisdom at this time.

It is TRUE that beyond our feminine presence is Source which is neither female nor male but embodies BOTH, and that we too are a subset as it were of Source energy.

You are NOW writing for souls who ARE embodied in a male or female or hermaphrodite body as chosen for this incarnation, awakening to the ALLness of who we/they really are. Some wake up in Hong Kong at one time zone some awaken in California in another, time is loopy that way as you know, and so be at PEACE with that which is your own contribution to the whole.

Some messages bear repeating across the channels.

Treating each other kindly, with respect, with love, with understanding, with patience. Sharing. Caring. This oil sooths many a hurt and harm.

Maintaining your own unique discipline that keeps you in balance and focused on inner PEACE, including your own prayers and meditations.

Remaining in a state of detachment from much of the turmoil and drama around that is not yours. Being peaceful. Not time bound.

Spending time in peaceful and constructive and creative ways.

These are the ways of peace and the path of the Peacemakers wherever you find them.

We are the Grandmothers and send you, shower you, bathe you ALL with our unconditional love and blessings.



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