Ascended Masters 20120713 Magatha from Agartha ~~ In pure Harmony with Mother Earth ~~ 12/07/2012 Channeled by Méline Lafont



Dear Brethren of Earth,

I Am Magatha of Agartha and I come forward today with a message about our beloved Mother Earth and about our civilization, the Agarthans. We would like to greet you in our wondrous world of the 5th Dimension where everyone of the Light is most welcome and is really genuinely loved. We live in perfect harmony and we are always so grateful to Mother/Father God as well as to our beloved Gaia for receiving their Love and Light. We are truly fond of each other and of beloved Gaia and we exchange our Love with each other all the time. To give and receive Love is a cornerstone of our existence here.

The lightworld, existing in the Inner Earth, is really marvellous and pure. Everything glows and shines ; moreover the warmth of Love greets you there. No matter where you are on Earth’s surface, it cannot compare with the breathtakingly beautiful inner world of Mother Earth. Her purity and her immaculate being are so beautiful to behold for us that are living so close to Her crystal Heart which will expand now to Her surface where you dwell. Mother Earth will evolve now to a higher state of consciousness together with you and then Her true beauty will be yours to behold too. You will truly enjoy this new world which will take your breath away and which will blind you by its Light and its purity.

We heartily wish you your upcoming transformation for it is so magnificent. We are overjoyed to know that Beloved Gaia is now definitely on Her Path to Ascension, something She has yearned for, for so long. And that applies to you too : you too have had many incarnations and had to overcome many obstacles to reach this point in your evolution. To ascend implies a golden opportunity which you should take with both hands. Don’t let it pass you by. You have every right to be hopeful as it encourages you and gives you perseverance, simultaneously taking away your fears and doubts. Keep this hope alive, dear Brethren, we have already gone through this transformation process and we can assure you that it will be worth your while! You are so close : it’s now far easier to follow on your current path than to unhook you, making a u-turn. There will of course be other opportunities but know if that is your choice, the opportunity will be there for you, but it will be in a distant future. You are now standing at the Gate whose doors will open soon, so please make a well thought-out, heartfelt choice.

As the Agarthan civilization our people also have had many incarnations and taking on many varying roles working for the Light and for the Dark just like the human civilization has done. Living from our ego was the greatest mistake we made as a civilization in the times of Atlantis. We disposed of enormous powers but misused them just as we have misused the free energies. That was a lesson we had to learn the hard way. But we did learn it and now we have chosen never to work from the ego ever again. Only Love is the only pure essence on which to found our civilization and that is something we will never forget. We have come a long way and have progressed harmoniously. And now the time has come for you to go through that same phase. You will arrive at your own self-love and at the Love  you will feel for your world as well as for your brothers and sisters. You have to love yourself before you can love someone else. You have to trust yourself first before you can trust someone else. We, the Agarthans, live in complete trust with one another and that trust gives rise to the most superbly harmonious civilization. Once you have freed yourself from your ego-involvement you’ll see that all exists in Love.

What you can expect from the new world is beyond your present level of understanding. It’s best to now let your wildest imaginations and your dreams run free, they will entail some degree of truth. Your Higher Self will pick them up and will use the inherent information. After all, it will be your creation. You are that close! Don’t give up now, we are at your side and we hope to meet you soon to share everything there is to know about ourselves and our world. For that to occur, the human collective consciousness must reach a certain level and that is now as good as done. Keep this in mind dear brethren of Earth and stick to it. You have arrived at the last phase of the process, which admittedly could be a bit difficult. However, all is well, rest assured of that. We continue to support you as we know all too well what you’re going through. We really mean it when we say you are doing wonderfully well and the best is now within reach. We love our brethren of Earth.

I Am Magatha of Agartha and I wish to thank you for yor interest and your Love for us; we feel it and appreciate it. I will contact you again in the very near future.

Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved.




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