Messages of Light 20120711 Oakbridge University – Jeshua Online Message of the Day 9, 10 and 11


Message of the Day 9

Beloved one, with the deep breath you are in that space of infinite energy interacting with yourself and with what you see in this reality to be others. But in truth, the others are you as aspects of you, aspects of the One of you. That is how huge, enormous, and divine that you are.

Message of the Day 10

Beloved one, the moment that you realize that you are not bounded by time at all, then time will no longer exist. You are already moving towards that place, because I have heard so many of you say, “I am running out of time.”

Message of the Day 11

Listen to what you say: “I am running out of time. I can’t get everything done that I want to get done. I am running out of time.” Well, blessed be, yes, you are running out of time. You are moving into that infinite space that knows itself to not be limited in any way; to be free to manifest anything that you want to manifest, anything that you may not consciously think you want to manifest, in order to know the flip side of it, the blessing of it, because in human life oftentimes that which looks to be a challenge, that which looks to be a threat, is in truth a blessing, an opportunity, if you will, for coming Home; not in the sense of having to decease the body, but coming Home in the sense of awakening to your true divinity and your true being.





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