Peace, love, and transformation • Free online gazes with Ann on Sunday


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Anns Healing Gaze
Ann’s Transformative Gaze
Experience the Power of Pure Love ♥

Sunday • November 14, 2021
7 FREE Streams on Facebook
(Most people do not need a facebook account to watch)
Hi Dear Friends!

For those of you new to gazing, I surrender in Silent Presence to the Source of Love. When we connect, the Love and energy begin to flow more strongly into you too. I do this periodically via free live stream.

People report feelings of deep peace, love, transformation, and many have reported healing miracles. If you’re interested, you can read more below. All are welcome to watch. There is no registration required and no fee. I give a short talk before each on a topic I feel will be useful at this time.

I do this via facebook livestream but you don’t need an account to watch in most cases. Details are below.

In Love & Service,
♥ Ann

♥ If you’re arriving from somewhere else… Welcome! ♥
Subscribe to Ann & the Angels

Gaze 1:
09 am PT • 10 am MT/AZ • 11am CT • noon ET (6pm CET)

Gaze 2:
10 am PT • 11 am MT/AZ • noon CT • 1pm ET (7pm CET)

Gaze 3:
11 am PT • noon MT/AZ • 1pm CT • 2pm ET (8pm CET)

Gaze 4:
noon PT • 1 pm MT/AZ • 2pm CT • 3pm ET (9pm CET)

Gaze 5:
02 pm PT • 3pm MT/AZ • 4pm CT • 5pm ET (11pm CET)

Gaze 6:
03 pm PT • 4pm MT/AZ • 5pm CT • 6pm ET (midnight CET)

Gaze 7:
04 pm PT • 5pm MT/AZ • 6pm CT • 7pm ET (1am CET)

For our friends in Auckland, New Zealand, this is Mon, Nov 15th at 6am, 7am, 8am, 9am, 11am, noon, and 1pm. All others, please use the time zone converter here – Plug in the PT time using Los Angeles, CA then your zone.

If you need one with more accessibility, try this one.

*** Just Click Here to Watch ***
1. Most people can watch even if you don’t have a Facebook account.
It will ask you to create a login, but you can select “Not Now” & scroll past the message to watch the gaze.

2. You may have to REFRESH your browser a few minutes after the scheduled start time. Facebook acts differently on different browsers and with different apps – if all else fails, I leave the replays up.

Tell me More… What is Gazing?

Gazing is a way of sharing a beautiful, loving energy that viewers report has catazlyzed peace, love, healing, and even miracles for them.

People have reported pain – both physical & emotional – spontaneously going away, seeing deceased loved ones, and best of all feeling the Love that is trying to help us at all times. You can read their stories below.
Each session is about 15 minutes – I give a brief intro and a short talk on something I feel might be helpful to you, then I turn on some music and gaze for 4-5 minutes. You just look in the eyes and receive 🙂
Kids, pets, etc… *All ages & conditions are welcome
You can hold up photos of loved one or hold them in your heart.
Gazing music is “Through the Eyes of An Angel” by Robin Miller, on his CD, New Horizons,
I love to hear your experiences in the comments below the gaze 🙂
Donations are gratefully accepted, but not expected 🙂 There is a button on this page.

Please note: While we have seen wonderful things happen for people, gazing is not a substitute for any medical, psychological or other healing modality, treatment, or program you are already using. Please read our disclaimer here.

Viewer Testimonials…

“My vision was expected to be blurry for another 6 weeks. I suddenly became aware that I could see my iPad clearly during your gaze. Wow, there you have it. 5 gazes and my vision is clear. Totally unexpected.”

“Today my heart is booming & overflowing with deep gratefulness & JOY for your gift of healing through gazing. Sunday I connected with you for two gazing sessions resulting in the accelerated healing of a knee injury. The improvement is so sudden and miraculous that I have not fully accepted it! Thank you!”

“My headache, neck pain, sore throat are gone.”

“Thank you Ann!! My back feels 100% better!!! Oh Wow! A couple days ago I hurt my lumbar, a known problem for me, but half way through the gaze it just released! Snoopy Dancin!!! My back has been so tight and seized up but boom it was just relaxed! I almost slumped to the floor!”

“The💖 is healing me now…pain in my right hip area is leaving! I stood this time and now I can bend!”

“OMG, as soon as I started gazing I saw my dad come through. I needed that. It has been 5 years since he left us.”

“Thank you Ann, my first time at attending your gazing last night. I didn’t see auras or hear voices, but I cried with your love permeating my body and my soul. I also slept on my left side for the first time in 9 months. Immediately after the gazing the pain in my shoulder was almost gone (which a cortisone shot and 9 months of physiotherapy had not helped)!”

“It appears as though my dog’s 3 inch in diameter oozy cyst is shrinking! She is sitting up more and jumping to the couch overnight?! … I have not seen it reduce like this whatsoever in 2 yrs.”

“I loved your Gazing !! I saw Jesus in your face!”

“Ann, as soon as I connected with you, my eyes teared up and I felt the spirit energy just flow down through me. I have been experiencing terrible neck and back pain for the past several weeks and it peaked earlier today. The pain and discomfort are 100% gone.”

“So happy now. The ache in my arms passed during this gaze.”

“Your gazes help my grief.”

“The energy and love come through so strongly, I cry every time (in a good way), I feel something connect, very similiar to taking communion at church, I feel the love being given to me.”

“I cried as well…as soon as my eyes connected with Ann’s and my chest became warm as I could feel the gold light come through me.”

“Melted my heart. Washed away the stress… thank you!”

“I had my 10 month old gaze with me, he laughed the entire time, while I cried. Incredible!”

“I had a horrid pain/headache on the base of my head/neck all day that day and the day before but when I caught even the last 5 mins of your gazing it went away almost immediately!”

“Overwhelming love. Still crying.”

“I can feel blockages I have struggled with for some time being cleared. I am so very grateful!”

“Hermoso, gracias. me llenaste de gentileza.”

“I just did the replay as I wasn’t able to get the live gaze to play. It is just as powerful for me on replay as live:) I feel such incredible love and joy! I can feel the energy dancing in my cells:)”

“I have an issue with my leg that no one has been able to heal, and today, since gazing with you, it is already feeling sooo much better.”

“You have opened up a new world of love for me.”

“Thank you Ann. that was absolutely beautiful, tears of joy and love flowed.”

“So beautiful, I start crying the minute you open your eyes.”

“My mother was diagnosed with serious declined end-of life scenarios. She was told to get ready to die, basically. Well, the results of her recent tests were just released to her and they are so much better. After three gazing sessions, Mom’s health has improved amazingly, her heart, BP, kidneys, serious COPD changed to mild asthma.”

“The gaze with you is such a relief. The love is so pure.”

“In the words of my 5 year old “Mommy she doesn’t need crystals to heal you because she makes your heart grow bigger and bigger and her ghost will heal me of anything I need” Thank you!”

“I think you have a lot of us speechless.”

“I feel like I am on a love cloud.”

“Wow, I went to bed Ann and whatever you did I have not slept so well I cannot remember when I have sleep like that. I woke up quite at peace and balanced. My headache and neck pain is gone.”

“I have been ill for over a week with a virus which made me cough and had started to affect my lungs. I have been on antibiotics the past two days..then after the gazing..a few hours later I started coughing… it came out.. and I feel so much better today.”

“You did it – No sign of pneumonia. Thank you so much for gazing on her behalf.”

“I got up (the morning after the gaze) and thought, “What is going on? I feel very good!” I had forgotten actually what that felt like! Could my thyroid be balanced by the Gaze? Then I looked at my arm. I have been fighting a fungus on my skin from hot rock massage and it was almost healed in one night – which I have had over 10 years! Ok I am a true believer and am soooooooooooooo GLAD I Took the time to watch the gaze… WOW!!!”

“I can’t explain it, Ann but every since gazing with you my heart feels wide open!”

“I’ve been really shifting out of fear since your last gazing Ann…instead I focus on receiving ‘big love’ and letting it flow through me and flush me out of the fear…works like a charm! :)”

“With Ann’s gazing… I have been able to feel God’s love and now I drop down into my heart and let the Love flow through me and situations which might have gotten difficult just dissolve. It is a wonderful gift. Thank you Ann! Life changing.”

“I remember when I first tried a gazing session on Facebook with Ann. I was skeptical whether it would have any effect on me since the session was through a computer screen. I decided to try it, and see what effect it would have on me. The first time I felt slight energy radiate from my feet up through my head which surprised me.

The second gazing session (6 to 8 months later) I was going emotional turmoil which was taking over my body. I actually felt the gazing session would have no effect on me whatsoever. At the last moment I thought, “What do I have to lose.” The moment I glanced into Ann’s eyes energy entered my body immediately through my crown chakra and raced down to my stomach chakra. It started pulled a huge amount of negative energy upward. The sensation was unbelievable. I took about 5 to 10 seconds before it went out top of my crown chakra. I sat in my chair in disbelief of what just happen to me. I felt great for days after that experience.

The third gazing session was completely different from the other two. In this session the energy went into my heart. This sensation was so incredible tears started flowing down my face through the entire session. Never in my entire life I have felt like that. Ann also was radiating white light around her a sage green color radiating out of the top of her crown chakra.” – Frank Danna., International Musician


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