Corey Goode – Another Message


My next report summary will be – ‘The Super Federation and Liberation of Micca’s Planet’. Many readers have been shocked by the details I have shared over my last two reports that covered the Tall White Grey Bases, the Draco Reptillian Bases, and their activities. Some have proclaimed that it is too horrifying to allow into their own truths or realities or drag down their vibration. Micca’s people went through the same process. They first received dream contact and then some of them began to receive limited physical contact with a number of higher consciousness groups. The Blue Avians (Guardians) and Zulu assisted them the most by clearing out ET’s from their solar system after the population liberated itself on the surface. It all started with a very small percentage of their people awakening and spreading the horrifying knowledge. This number grew until all of their people put out a calling to the One Infinite Creator for help. More and more of their population awakened and some began walking off of worksites and protesting. The more Micca’s people heard about the ET Presence and influence on their planet the more their government locked down and acted like totalitarians. Things got very dire for his people but he told me that before any population rises up to liberate themselves from these Tyrannical ET Groups they first have to find out the depth of the evil going on. This catalyzes more and more of Micca’s population until they collapsed their governmental systems by not participating. It got very ugly for his people before they were liberated and the ugliness was a major part of the catalyst. This full report will come out soon, in the meantime understand that disturbing information will come out more and more. Do not stick your head in the sand as the ugliness will be a catalyst for positive change. More details to come in the report summary. CG


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