Message Of Compassionate Forgiveness From Yeshua On ‘Good Friday’


Message Of Compassionate Forgiveness From Yeshua On ‘Good Friday’

By Jelelle Awen

“The energies of crucifixion from my lifetime remain in the grids of humanity’s suffering and polarity against each other. These energies are resurrected and held onto in ways that no longer serve your Ascension. Many souls are ‘celebrating’ these energies today. However, I would offer that which seeks to be celebrated is only that which comes from love, not that which comes from fear of love.

On this day, in my lifetime, I was not acting as a martyr in the way that has been so popularly held…yet rather I was demonstrating the powerful alchemy of death and rebirth that I had access to through many soul initiations. I was offering the codes of this resurrection process for all of humanity to download when ready for them.

And for those with hearts to feel, I was embodying complete forgiveness of those who were acting in violent ways with hatred and fear in their hearts towards me. I could feel the important part they had to play in the Divine plan that I was surrendering to completely. For those with eyes to see, I left my physical body, yet I did not leave the Earth Plane and I remained there in a higher frequency light body state for many years after my crucifixion, connecting with my beloved family in secret.

This is the ever important and pressing message that I offer today as well, in your timeline, while you are experiencing much revelation of what can feel like evil and darkness. You are going through a collective Dark Night before your rebirth into Sacred Humanity for which I and the Magdalenes and many light BEings helped plant the codes for in my lifetime.

When upcoming disclosure brings you to hear about and feel sometimes very dark actions from what seems like ‘evil’ and ‘enemies’ and energies that are difficult to love, I am inviting you to remember that while one seeks vengeance against another without first seeking to understand and forgive themselves AND the other, the cycle of suffering continues. You will be moved to hate and fight, and I am inviting you to love instead.

On this day, I offer a reminder not of my sacrifice in that lifetime nor of any action on my part that would lead to your salvation….yet rather an invitation for you to feel that YOU already have almighty powerful Christ energies within YOU.

Only you can save yourself in an ongoing process of feeling and healing that which keeps you in fear and separate from your Divine Essence…..and that the Divine remains and is always beloved parent to us ALL.

I love you and I am HERE for you in whatever ways you feel to call on me as your sacred brother, Ascended Teacher, and beloved friend,

Yeshua Christ w/Jelelle Awen  

I highly recommend the book Anna, Grandmother of Jesus by Clare Heartsong that offers this higher dimensional feeling sense of Yeshua’s crucifixion and resurrection story in a deeply touching and healing way.

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Jelelle Awen is Co-Creator/Teacher/Group Facilitator/Ambassador of SoulFullHeart Way Of Life, a healing process and paradigm offering New Gaia Ascension frequencies to transmute trauma into love on emotional/spiritual/physical levels. For more information about  1:1 individual sessions with her for women and with other SoulFullHeart Facilitators, virtual group calls, writings/books, and videos, visit


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