Laitonn Pleiadian Dolphin 20130521 You Are A Child Of The Kingdom of Love


This message flowed recently in meditation from Divine Father & Mother:

Receive, receive, receive… what is continually offered to you – through breath.  It is a mechanism created to allow flow.  You are participating as long as you are breathing… become conscious of the love, the blessings, the gratitude you are offered with each in-breath.

You are the ones who block, filter, limit your blessings, your sense of being loved, your sense of being valued and appreciated by the Universe/Source/Life As One. You hold a shield of unworthiness – “I do not deserve,” you say, “these blessings, this thanks, this love. I have not done anything worthy.  In fact, I have done some, or much, that is definitely unwise, even despicable” – that is all holding judgment for the self.  We do not judge you this way.

You get to have your experiences and you get to feel how they feel.  You get to learn whatever is to be learned from your experiences – this is the way it works.  Self-judgment holds you imprisoned for just being human.  Is that good? No. Let it go.  Let yourself BE.  BE your self. BE Human. BE Divine Soul living a physical experience.  BREATHE:  BE REGAL AT HEART….

Know you are a Child of God, birthed from the Heart of Divinity, a prince or princess of the Kingdom of the ONE RULER -  and what is the RULE?  The rule is LOVE.  BREATHE THAT IN.  The Rule is LOVE.  There is no other rule. You can forget all other rules for every aspect of your life if you will remember this one: LOVE.

When you meditate… think “Love Rules”… “ I am LOVE”… “Love is ALL that IS”… Breathe in LOVE… breathe out all that is not love… Let it GO… release with each out-breath all that you are ready and willing to dissolve – any block, any barrier to accepting all the LOVE the Universe is offering – accept, release, accept, release… accept, release…

And when all the barriers, blockades, mesh nets of unworthiness have been breathed out… what is left? Love that has become You.  Your LOVE is able to be more purely, more openly, more freely offered to the world – to your cat, your mother, your brothers and sisters, those you know, those you meet new each day.  Your LOVE is suddenly available to share – just with your each OUT-BREATH.

You do not have to start hugging everything and everyone in sight (although that is fine too), but just with your natural, inevitable exhale – you become a silent, gentle, invisible SOURCE of LOVE, BLESSING & GRATITUDE to all others.  How can you do this? With your conscious awareness of the tide of breath, the IN and OUT, love coming in, love flowing out… coming in, flowing out…

This is just the natural way – the way WE together created it to be – is it not wondrous?  Are we not amazing? So simple… Love in, Love out… Love in, Love out…  Tune in to that and nothing else matters.   All blessings come naturally, all security is yours, all suffering is healed.

Be at peace. Be joyful. Be LOVE.




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