Good Vibrations from SIRIUS 20121102 Message from the P​leiades – Comander H​ella (starship Arion​) starships and Port​als – Channeled by M​ercy – 01-11-2012 ~​


Note: At 21:33 PM the Ascended Masters joined the channeling. 


Hello to all of you, and what a great time to say  hello!

I am comander Hella, comander of the Pleiadean starship Arion that has been overflying your beloved earth for several times now, you can recognize this Ship mostly at night and by its redish lights.

I and my team greet all of you with much joy and respect, for we have been welcomed by many of you and we share this love that you are giving us.

Now, my loves, it has been a pleasure to help all of you who have requested our help, we are here in peace and we will leave in peace aswell. 

Let me send over my light, our ships light, as our frequencies will help you transmute your negative thoughts (those that might stil be bothering you) and assure you to land in safety once you have arrived.

Aia also sends you her love and preocupation, we do care about you and long to meet you again.

Please let me tell you that with the begining of November you are about to experience a major opening of portals and Energies that will be new to you, these energies have a slighty different effect from those you received before as they will help you communicating with us.Now, communication will be easier for you and you will see that you can achieve much through telepathy, if you just try you will quickly see its effects.

Please let me warn you that we are still cleansing some energies that have been stubborn but know that mainly there will be a great outcome for all of us, and we will never stand against your free will.

We respect you, and love you, do not forget about these words.

Also I want to deliver this message to you, the Ascended Masters that are now incarnated will soon start their activity on board of our ships, ours and surely those of the Arcturians and Sirians. They will now produce a major “movement of change” that will be visible to you, yes dear ones.

Also, the cosmic hierarchies are having “newcomers” new life will be originated as we are ascending too, we are all in the same boat my dear friends.

If you experience dificult times now do not worry too much about them as in near future you will look behind and understand why this is happening, always ook at your own situation from above as there are details you willonly see or find then.

Our ships have been active more often now as we are also training our dear ones to get used to them, you might travel to us without even knowing, do not fear this or think to much, you are in safe hands dears.

Please lets all keep our hearts together, as one, as we are all love.

Goodbye and good night to all, the stars are shining for you.

Hella – Comander of Starship Arion - 

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