Time for Change 20120724 Peace Descends and You Can Hear a Pin Drop


We have no manmade disasters to distract us anymore

Posted by Steve Beckow



How quiet it is without the cabal causing hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, wildfires, and floods.

You can hear a pin drop.

Yes, more and more it appears as if they’re instigating smaller catastrophes like the recent Denver shooting, almost certainly a Manchurian-Candidate operation.  Their ability to cause havoc appears to have been thwarted quite a bit.

How much of our lives revolved around an ever-increasing response to disasters crafted by the Illuminati and our responses to them – Haiti, Chile, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, the U.S.

And now, because the galactics have destroyed their weather-warfare weapons, blown up their underground command centers, and removed so many of them from the Earth, we’re left here in a seemingly-quiet room, wondering what’s happening.

No one thought that peace, as it descended on the planet, would be so difficult to adjust to.  What do we do without a war to distract us and mobilize us? What do we think about when there are no disaster victims to relieve and care for?

Well, we know our co-creative powers are expanding. We know that our ability to love and feel compassion for the collectivity is increasing. We know that the abundance programs are not far off and, when they come, they must be extended to all regions of the Earth.

We know that the more lightwork we do, the more people will ascend in December. We know that, even though the galactics will do so very much of the heavy lifting in terms of terra-forming, ridding the Earth of all forms of pollution, and reshaping our ability to effect change by giving us new technologies, etc., they will still leave much of the task to us. They have to do so because we have to demonstrate that we’re prepared to take responsibility for our own planet.

You’ve heard Sierra describe how she was used as a psychic to locate lost individuals, knowing all the time that the galactics could do the job without her but that they wanted us to play a role – and by universal law they were obliged to let us lead. You’ve heard our galactic sources say over and over again that we must play a part in what’s to come.

SaLuSa: “We do encourage you to take matters forward yourselves. This is because you have to take responsibility for the situations you have allowed to occur. It does not mean you have to do it all, and that is far from it as we of the Galactic Federation have a most important role to play.” (1)

The Arcturian Group: “All is proceeding according to plan. All is moving quickly forward into new ways of seeing and being. That which is finished is finished. However remember that it is you who are creating your new world, not us. Many tend to await the arrival of others to change things. It is your enlightened awareness that is manifesting as your outer world. You are the creators. That is why we often cannot answer questions asked about what is going to happen, because we do not know what you are choosing to create. We too are watching and waiting as you create a new, enlightened world.” (2)

What can we do? As individuals and as organizations, we can begin to plan how, with the arrival of abundance, the benefits will be brought to faraway places that have no idea that any of this is happening. Diseases must be cured, food must be distributed, irrigation must be extended, orphans must be cared for, victims of cruelty and torture must be healed – a huge humanitarian effort will arise in just a few short weeks and months. All of this must be planned.

Communication must be achieved on a global scale. Graham Dewyea just reported that InLight Radio’s audiences passed the 100,000 mark. We need ten more InLight Radios and twenty more largescale blogs on Ascension 2012. This site, and those who also do the job already, have not the capacity to report all that will be happening. We need others to start their own communication channels – to specialize in areas like science, technology, medicine, nutrition, education, finance, etc., to catch the stories that we miss or cannot post because of space or volume considerations.

They also serve who only stand and wait – people can actually assist by simply visualizing the changes they wish to see.

SaluSa: “Your participation in the changes requires no more than your dedication, in visualizing the happiness and joy they will bring to all life upon Earth. Stay in the Light and live your life to your best ability, as if you had already ascended.”  (3)

“Individually concentrate on how you visualize the future where you are free and your sovereignty is restored, and you will be helping it to manifest.” (4)

Matthew Ward: “To help create a world of true abundance for all, visualize crowds of people radiating health and happiness, and your world with clear skies and pure water in rivers, ponds, oceans; expanses of golden grain; trees laden with ripening fruit; vast gardens filled with vegetables, verdant pastures, and parks with vibrant flowers; all kinds of animals grazing and meandering among the people. And KNOW that the wondrous world of abundance in your visions already IS!” (5)

You saw how Syria simply imploded last week. Is there anyone who wondered how we’d get from a large and strong Syrian military to a regime dealt a deathly blow in a short period of time? Now we see it can be done although no one wishes anyone to be harmed. Archangel Michael predicted it would happen in a very short period of time and it did.

And so can other seemingly-troublesome, well-dug-in situations turn around quickly as well.

It’s time for us to be up and moving, thinking, planning, inviting, connecting, communicating. It’s time to create the Nova Earth we’ve merely been reading about so far. It’s time for us to create it.

It’s time to shoulder our tools and raise the foundation and superstructure of a new society, either actually or imaginatively. Apparently either works. In this short interregnum of peace before the main event begins, it’s time to gather ourselves and start, whatever that may look like for each of us.


(1) SaLuSa, May 18, 2012, athttp://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm

(2) Arcturian Group, April 22, 2012, at http://www.onenessofall.com

(3) SaluSa, Apr. 16, 2010.

(4) SaluSa, Apr. 14, 2010.

(5) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 11, 2010, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm








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