Messages of Light 20121102 The Game Has Changed​ 2 November 2012 – M​aureen Moss​



Dear Hearts, As always, I pray you are well. The energies are intensifying and will become more so in the closing days of this cycle ahead. As the next two months progress there will be even more profound breakthroughs and breakdowns. The Divine Descent is upon us, as Heaven is brought to Earth, through us.

We are being made impeccably authentic and honest with ourselves and each other, as the energies continue their relentless pursuit to break us of all the mental and egoic strongholds that have held us hostage on all levels of our Creation.

Our personalities are being strongly guided in these final hours to let our souls lead us to peace. If you will allow yourself to be guided, void of resistance, you will know alchemy, spiritual magic, vertical magic, and meet your true state of being.

Evolution tasks us now with having our personalities serve our souls. Now, before the cycle closes, all of Creation stands at your ready to assist you in doing so.

We are almost out of the cosmic birth canal, and what was for most, a very challenged labor. The Great Mother Earth and all of Cosmic Consciousness await our delivery, with great love and deep respect for us all.

During this intense time of labor, many have learned their own limitlessness, and watched their endurance prevail. Many have accepted their Infinite Limitlessness, though many still struggle with the belief that they are not. It is now that each are asked to recall the memory of their “Original Condition, as it is the driving force of evolution itself.”

Our freedom is at stake Beloveds and in arms reach for the first time in our collective human history. Freedom has had no history for the human race, and now it shall.

We and this Planet are being purged of everything that has made it impossible to be Free. We are a relentless, courageous, collective race intent on making this shift in both consciousness and vibration enabling us to shine forth as the brilliant beings of Gods Light that we are.

In this final stretch we are learning the vital importance of staying in the present moment, noticing there is nowhere to go. We are aware that to drain ourselves of wondering and worrying about what is next has no value, or an answer before its time. We are finding that faith and trust are our allies, not to be ignored.

We are discovering, that the power of our thoughts either attract the lives we have yearned for or deflect miraculous breakthroughs in our lives, immediately.

We are being pushed to unlearn much of who we have been, what trespasses on our divinity, what disturbs us and how to transmute that which does. We are learning how to accept, rather than fight Life and its miraculous unfolding.

The God of our Being holds us accountable now for everything we feel, everything we do, think, express or have as a leading thought. As a result, we are steered in the direction of adopting ourselves as a New Human joining in a New World.

In these final weeks Beloveds, of this year and the beginning of the next, is a time for sincere consciousness toward yourself and for stillness and being a silent observer as you deliberately begin to catch up with who you really are, now, and then move yourself forward into who you choose to become in the New World. You must be still in order to Create your next.

You are now the Creator. Take a breath, and take that in. You are the Creator.

The Game Has Changed.

Know you are loved,





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