Messages of Light 20120727 A message of Love and Light from The Pleiadians



Channeler: Jeffrey Rogers


Remember who you are to this world and universe my brothers and sisters, we all came willing to become help and guides to the ones that have forgotten their true divine objective within their souls and hearts. In this time of change it is easy to fear what we can’t understand, but the beauty of life is change! It’s very easy to go off track of your mission on this plane of existence that we have created for ourselves, but you need to understand that this is a time of becoming of one’s inner true self and awareness that is waiting to be released in all of you on this planet of love and true beauty. 

Before coming into this flesh bound being, you were so fascinated and captured in the beauty of this Earth, that’s why you came down to this planet, to preserve and create new beauty here. We are coming to the point in this time of awakening and the prophecies that were foretold at the beginning of the creation of this Universe and the other multiverses that exist in this infinite realms of dimensions. Once we believe and realize that we are something more than these flesh bound bodies that only carry and allow the soul to experience here on this Earth and dimensions, is when we’re granted the gift of being so much more on this planet because we have accepted this duty willingly in our heart and soul! We are the beautiful beams of light that other ascended souls will come into and speak or feel what they need be done through our spirit and body, the reason some us are willing to let Source flow through our spirit is because we don’t fear and understand the message because it is of love and we are love. Just because these others are willing to let that spirit communicate through  them does not mean that they are better or ” Chosen” too receive these messages.

 A lot of us are forming our Tribes and Councils on this Earth to start figuring out solutions and different ways of preventing the repeat of history. We’re are strong beautiful and compassionate beings that have a never ending source of knowledge, love and appreciation for everyone and everything in this universe. Stop telling yourself that you don’t have a purpose or a duty to fulfill on this Earth, you all volunteered willingly to come help save this planet from destroying itself by all the negative energies and vibrations that are given and emitted from the Earth. We know that it’s hard right now to survive and that there is a disruption of vibrations that Lies within you, this is the cause of a lot of mood swings, depression and the feeling of being lost in this infinite realm of experiences and dimensions. We are watching over all of you everyday and giving our energy, compassion and blessings for what you are going through here on this Earth. We Love and appreciate that you took the time to read and acknowledge This message of Light, Love and Vibrations.






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