Messages of Light 20120720 The manuscript of survival – part 170


Let us just begin this missive by saying that you have all started to master old skills by now, and although your mind has yet to grasp this, you have entered the halls of old wisdom and started to tap into the rich deposits of knowledge that resides there. Not much of this will be apparent during your waking hours just yet, but it will start to seep through into your consciousness as the doors will start to open more and more between the different states you currently inhabit. Because you have already taken that step behind the veil, and you are already immersed in that sea of possibilities we have already referred to, but as we have said, it takes some time to adjust being in this state of flux, and as such, you will be exposed to all of this newness in increments. Therefore, consider this as a period of trial and error, much like when you start out learning to ride a bicycle, so you are not riding unsupervised, and you have your training wheels still attached.

As we were saying, for those unable – or rather unwilling – to start to open up to these lessons beforehand, the shock will be great the day they suddenly find themselves astraddle a bike riding at top speed, without any previous knowledge of ever learning to ride such a contraption. Needless to say, this will cause many a hard tumble, and more than a bruised knee here and there. But you have already stepped up to the challenge and enrolled in this class for higher learning, and bit by bit, you will find the confidence needed to ride this new bike at top speed, unsupervised and without those training wheels.

We use this analogy of the bike to point out that this is a playful process indeed, as this is meant to be a joyful, if somewhat challenging and exhausting ride. So hop on your bikes dear ones, and never mind if you get a bruised knee or two while you struggle to find your balance. It does not matter, so long as you don’t let a bruised ego stop you from climbing back on and try another round every time you find yourself nose down on the ground.










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