Greetings from Herak/Sirius 20130110 Athabantian: Whole New Ballgame


Channeler: Mark Kimmel

Posted on January 8, 2013

Good Morning, Mark, this is Bren-Ton, speaking on behalf of all aboard Athabantian.

Good Morning, Bren-Ton, my very best to everyone.

What now follows on these pages of your web site, Mark, is a series of conversations between those of us stationed aboard Athabantian and you. No more will we supply information and insights from a seemingly higher perspective. From now on we will be conversing with one who opened the door to the higher dimensions for all to enter. On behalf of all in physical form, we salute all Earth humans of light who stepped forward to undertake this courageous, beautiful act on December 21, 2012.

We are totally in awe of the extraordinary changes that have occurred. I am almost at a loss for words to communicate with you. You and other planetary lightworkers have created a miracle. We congratulate you all.

For most people on Earth, the much-publicized date of December 21, 2012 came and went. There were no dramatic earth changes, no special appearances of extra-planetary craft, and no unusual religious events. Nothing of note was different, particularly to those caught in 3rd Dimension energies. What most people on your planet failed to recognize were the extraordinary events of that date and their tremendous importance not only to Earth but to all in the cosmos. Of almost equal importance was the unprecedented event of December 12, 2012. I will now address 12-12-12 from our perspective; another will come to communicate with you about 12-21-12.

For many millennia, we of Andromeda watched as Earth and other 3rd Dimension planets struggled under the yoke of fear, rigid structures, and conflict. Over the past two thousand years we have seen changes wrought step by step as Earth humans climbed into what its termed the modern world, and as a small number became lightworkers rising above the confines of the 3rd Dimension.

As of 12-12-12, the matrix that supported the 3rd Dimension is no more. We watched as a small number of these lightworkers of Earth, along with the celestial creators of the 3rd Dimension, removed its underpinnings.

When you volunteered to incarnate on Earth, we were hopeful that this signaled the moment of the long anticipated Great Transformation. What has occurred is beyond our wildest expectations. What has occurred affects all in Andromeda, and all in creation.

I see that you wish to ask a question.

What do you think it means to those of us on Earth that the 3rd Dimension is coming to an end

As I said before, we watched the underpinnings of the 3rd Dimension collapse. Never before have we witnessed such an occurrence. The very substance that enabled 3rd Dimension to exist on your planet and elsewhere is no more. Those who created 3rd Dimension as a floor for physical form withdrew its underlying matrix.

This is incredible. Those who rely on 3rd Dimension will no longer have a foundation from which they may operate. Their structures are now on sand rather than rock. Those who wish to flee from the 3rd Dimension will find it so much easier to accomplish this because 3rd Dimension tentacles are no more. All that remains of these are the leftovers from eons of people existing in lower vibrations. Now those who are sitting on the fence will find a decision to move out of the 3rd Dimension much easier to make.

From our perspective, we see the end of strife coming from beings who adhere to the ways of the 3rd Dimension. This means no more violence and wars. This means truth will reign, not deceit and misinformation. This means the end of hatred and judgment. This means no more poverty while the wealthy amass fortunes. This means the end of self-serving governments. This means the end of corporations preying on consumers. This means the end of religions twisting people’s beliefs.

What a glorious adventure in which you find yourself. We are most happy for you. Your courage and risk-taking have been rewarded, and in ways not foreseen when you volunteered to incarnate on Earth. Congratulations to all who are making this possible, to all who are holding the light, and to all who have worked to raise their personal vibrations.

Much of what we communicated to you previously, much of what conscious people believe, and much of what lightworkers talk about today has been totally outdated by the events of 12-12-12. The demise of the 3rd Dimension requires a completely new way of seeing everything, a new way of living for everyone in physical form.

May I ask another question?


What affect does the demise of the 3rd Dimension have upon Andromeda and Andromedans?

As you are well aware, Andromeda never participated in the fall of consciousness. We have retained our higher vibrations throughout the millennia as 3rd Dimension ruled many star systems. Thus the demise of the 3rd Dimension does not affect us directly. However, we will no longer have to defend ourselves from the onslaught of those in the 3rd Dimension. We will no longer have to sit by as those in 3rd climb out of it. (For you see, we were loth to engage in the 3rd Dimension lest we become trapped in its low vibrations.) We did supply starships such as Athabantian that continuously beamed light energies to those in 3rd Dimension.

How did the 3rd Dimension come about?

The 3rd Dimension was created to place a floor under the fall of consciousness. It was a vast matrix affecting many star systems. It was very rigid and of low vibration. It succeeded, but had unintended consequences. From its rigid structure came fear, judgment, hierarchies, violence and deceit. Divine love, while always present in the hearts of all, was largely absent or twisted as a control mechanism.

It has taken many millennia for the small groups of lightworkers to ascend through this to a point that those who created 3rd Dimension could work with them to dismiss it. Earth was the focal point of this effort because it was the darkest of the 3rd Dimension planets.

Any more questions?

Not for now. Thank you for this communication.

You are most welcome, Mark. I has been my pleasure, a real pleasure considering what has now been accomplished. Blessings and Good-bye.

Blessings to all aboard Athabantian and all in Andromeda.




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