Good Vibrations from SIRIUS 20121206 Service in Love from​ Anrita Melchizedek ​



(I find this very timely to share!  Thanks to Anrita Melchizedek)

Welcome, magnificent Master Beings of Love and Light. I am RA, from the Archangelic tribe of the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, and we would like to present you with an idea of Service in Love.
It is important to understand that the entire experience of creation, from beginning to end, is the experience of Service in Love. Each one of you that has consciously chosen to serve in Light is a Melchizedek Ambassador of Light, and an Ascended Master on this earth plane. Now, it is just to come into this remembrance again, through the frequency of Love. By recognizing the God in others, you are above all recognizing the God in your Self. You know that each person, each plant, each object, animate or inanimate is a reflection of God, and a reflection of Love. As you move into Service in Love, you become more whole, more complete within your Self, and you experience a deeper sense of Love, of compassion, of empowerment, and of wisdom.

As there are many aspects to Service in Love, before we work further with these magnificent frequencies of Love, we would like to briefly talk about more common false beliefs and judgments that need to be integrated to come into the full embracing qualities of Service in Love. There are many in the Service role that are still caught in past behavioral programming, and at a deeper level steeped in patriarchal cloaking of separation, power, control and/or domination. Not to mention the ego allurements of envy, greed, jealousy, anger, and so on. These are experiences you have chosen, in order to move out of the negative ego into your Christ Consciousness. However, be aware of how this “old programming” works within your Service work. Perhaps when another needs your assistance, you believe you are doing them a favor. “How wonderful I Am. I give of myself Selflessly. I am in Service to All Life on this earth plane”. If you are in Service in Love, you would never pat yourself on the back. This is your ego expressing itself. In many instances you place this person under obligation at an etheric contractual level with yourself. You are saying “I will help you out, but you will owe me”. At some time, you expect this person to return the favor. Even if you feel you are giving Selflessly, be aware of your motives, the underlying intent in giving, and be sure that you have no projections or expectations. By doing this, you will avoid the anger and frustration that often comes with these etheric contracts, and the victim/persecutor roles that you may choose to “replay”. At a sub-conscious level, you may be choosing to control this person, for this has been one of the past behavioral patterns of humanity. Control or be controlled. Dominate or be dominated. Of course, though, this is just been “replayed” so you may clear any of these old programmings. It would be like a part of your body that is not feeling well, and you saying, “okay body, I will help you out. I will take the appropriate actions to make you feel better, but you will owe me”. The reason you choose to assist your body and every atom and molecule within your Beingness is the understanding that you are a worthy and magnificent Master Being of Love and Light. Extend this magnificence, this Love, and recognize that each atom and molecule on this earth plane is an extension of your Self, and honor that some parts within your Self are more complete and whole than others. So, work with Service in Love on all parts of your Self, all parts of humanity. Understand that by serving others in Love, free from negative ego, you are serving your Self. You humbly start to feel a deeper Love, a deeper commitment to God, and rejoin the Kingdoms of Heaven on Earth. You step outside of the limitations, and the veils of illusion placed upon humanity by its own false beliefs, judgments and creations of reality. You step outside of the competition prevalent in many “groups”, with the attitude of “my Service work is better that yours”. For of course all you are saying is “I am better that you. I am more knowledgeable than you. I am more enlightened than you”. Discernment not judgment is the key to expansion, and Service in Love. When you recognize that by serving others, you are serving your Self, you are able to more fully become your Higher Light on this earth plane. You are able to more fully connect with the Spiritual Hierarchy of this earth plane; with the incredible frequencies of Mother/Father God, Overlighted by the energy of the Mahatma, the mighty Elohim, the Christed Extraterrestrials, the Archangels, and the Angels, the Chohans of the rays, and all other Beings of Light that you personally acknowledge.

As the objective of these messages is to prepare you again for Service in Love to not only this earth plane but also Service in Love to all dimensions, we will take you through aspects of this remembrance in the frequency of Love. We will take you through understanding your connection to the Spiritual Hierarchy of this earth plane, aspects of Service prevalent on the different dimensions, and above all, your Life Task within the Divine Plan of All That Is.

And now, dear Melchizedek Ambassadors of Light, we are going to link you to this incredible frequency of Love through traveling in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light to the Ascension Seat on Alcyone, the main star of the Pleiades, so you may feel these incredible fifth dimensional frequencies of Love. You will meet the wonderful Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and your Soul family and friends of the Light as they exist on this dimension. They will then remove any etheric crystals that you have placed within your etheric body to forget your true nature as these incredible Master Beings of Love and Light. We will then take you through the first nine breaths of activating your Light Body, and linking you to all aspects of your Higher Light from the first to the ninth dimension. And you will come into your full remembrance as this incredible multidimensional and multifaceted Melchizedek Ambassador of Light.

Get yourself comfortable now for this guided visualization. You will be traveling in your Merkaba Vehicle of Light to a loose cluster of some 400 to 500 stars, about 415 light-years from your current solar system and in the direction of the constellation Taurus. You will then journey specifically to Alcyone, the star that is located permanently within the Photon Band, and within the wonderful Photon Rays of Light. You will pass through your solar system, and then Atlas, Coele, Taygeta, Electra, Maya and Merope to enter into Alcyone.

A golden Merkaba Vehicle of Light, which extends outwards to a full 54 feet around you in all directions, now appears above you. A doorway appears within the Merkaba Vehicle of Light and you find yourself guided into this Merkaba Vehicle of Light. You feel yourself in the most powerful frequencies of Love and Light.

Your Pleiadian Master Guide and your Guardian Angel now appear before you in their magnificent Light Bodies. You are ready to travel interdimensionally to the fifth dimension. You now find yourself traveling through a golden spiral of time and space through your solar system, and then through the rays of the sun, then through Atlas, Coele, Taygeta, Electra, Maya and Merope until you find yourself on Alcyone. You find yourself in the Ascension Seat on Alcyone, and within a magnificent City of Light. You see the most splendid array of colors all around you as the Pleiadian Emissaries for Light come forward to greet you. Each Being of Light has activated their Light Body, so they may greet you in the highest frequencies of Love and Light and so they may travel on an intergalactic level with you in order for you to again remember this wonderful place. For you have incarnated many times onto this fifth dimensional plane and feel the familiarity of your surroundings. You feel the Love and Light as it surrounds you in this plane of Light. You start to hear the most wonderful music of Love, for the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light are creators of Love and music is their greatest passion. Through their dance and play they express this Love. Feel this music resonating throughout your entire body, throughout you entire being. You are being taken, octave by octave, deeper into the very core essence of your true nature. You feel yourself as a magical Master Being of Love, and a Melchizedek Ambassador of Light.

In this essence of Love, your Soul family and friends of the Light as they exist on this plane come forth to greet you. You are surrounded by wonderful, warm Beings of Love, Soul family and friends, each wanting to merge with you, to send you their Love and to experience your Love. One at a time, these old friends and family come forth and as you merge with each one, you remember your experiences together and feel these molecules of Love moving through your entire body, permeating every cell in your body, and opening your heart center to the full magnitude of Divine Love. Love and Light surrounds you wherever you are, and you feel the heartbeat of each one of these Light Beings as you remember your Soul connection with the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light. You recognize you are this frequency of Love. “Welcome home”, you are told, “Welcome home to one of the many simultaneous dimensions on which you exist.

Your friends and family of the Light now let you know that you have placed within your etheric body particular crystalline regulators, which have created limited memories of your multidimensional existence. These limitations were necessary as you were not ready to be activated, not ready to fulfill your Life Task within the Divine Plan of All That Is. However, this is the time now to fully explore your multidimensional and multifaceted nature as a Master Being of Love and Light and one of the main reasons you have come back to this fifth dimension. You have come back to this frequency of Love so your friends and family may assist you in removing these particular crystals which are preventing you from truly becoming your Higher Light on the three dimensional plane and from exploring your full role of Service in Love. You are now ready to remove these crystals. You see or feel a rose quartz crystal grid being placed around your etheric body and within this rose quartz crystal grid you see these crystalline regulators, which look like clear crystal balls about an inch in diameter, scattered throughout your etheric body. This rose quartz crystal grid has been programmed to remove and dissolve these crystalline regulators for all time, space and dimensions from your etheric body. Just relax in this deep flow of Love as you feel these crystalline regulators being removed from your etheric body. These regulators have helped you to forget who you were and placed particular earthly limitations on your memories.

And now, as the last of these crystalline regulators is removed, you begin to experience a flow of multidimensional memories. You have a clear memory of many past events, many current events and many events yet to come. You see yourself as your Higher Self of the Light and your Christed Overself of the Light. You remember that you have previously been of planetary assistance to Mother Earth and her many people and that you have belonged to the Galactic Federation of Light as a multidimensional Master Being of Love and Light for many thousands of years. You remember that you are a Melchizedek Ambassador of Light in service to not only this earth plane but in service to all dimensions. These are your memories and with this enormous flow of Love, you understand your true nature and this old Life Task, which you have previously accomplished and will do so again in the near future.

Part of these multidimensional memories is the understanding that you have previously moved through the seven earthly initiations, in order to become a Melchizedek Ambassador of Light. You have further worked with the twelve rays, cleared the earth plane of seven cosmic karmic patterns, and traveled interdimensionally in your activated Light Bodies, in order to be of service to all dimensions, and all planes of existence. You have joined the company of Heaven on Earth, and are assisting in Service in Love. You are here to create very specific changes to this earth plane, so that each atom and molecule on this earth plane will be able to shift into the seventh Golden Age.

We will now present you with the first nine breaths of the Light Body Activation, in order that you may come into full remembrance of your multidimensional nature through linking with your Higher Light from the first to the ninth dimension, and the related Spiritual Hierarchy on these different dimensions. In order to do this, you are going to bring in a Pillar of Light, and anchor a fluorescent tube of Light deep within your etheric body. This Pillar of Light is a very powerful transmitter of Love and Light directly from the ninth dimension, from Mother/Father God. No negative frequencies will be able to enter into this Pillar of Light. A fluorescent tube of Light about two inches in diameter also comes in with the Pillar of Light and through this fluorescent tube of Light, you are connected to all aspects of your Higher Light from the first to the ninth dimension, and to the related Spiritual Hierarchy. This fluorescent tube of Light comes in through your ninth dimensional portal 24 feet above your head, and connects with your energy field at your sixth dimensional portal 2.25 feet above your head. It then moves through your crown chakra, down your spine and out your perineum center to your first dimensional portal, 2.25 feet beneath your feet. When you bring in the fluorescent tube of Light, you want to inhale and exhale to the count of seven, as you bring your focus to each one of the nine dimensional portals from the first to the ninth dimension, as they are found along the fluorescent tube of Light. Archangel Michael, and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of Light will assist in bringing in this ninth dimensional Pillar of Light and fluorescent tube of Light from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

Let us begin. Call upon Archangel Michael and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light to bring in a Pillar of Light and to assist in anchoring the fluorescent tube of Light. On the first breath, inhale and exhale to the count of seven and bring your focus to your first dimensional portal, 2.25 beneath your feet, and your connection to Mother Earth. On the second breath, bring your focus to your second dimensional portal, your perineum center and your connection to the realm of nature spirit intelligence. On the third breath, bring your focus to your third dimensional portal, your crown chakra, connecting you to the Earth plane, Sanat Kumara, Lord Buddha and the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy of this dimension. On the fourth breath, focus on your fourth dimensional portal found 0.05 feet above your crown chakra and your connection to the Sun, Helios and Vesta. On the fifth breath, bring your focus to your fifth dimensional portal 0.75 above your head, connecting you to the Pleiades and to the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light. On the sixth breath, bring your focus to your sixth dimensional portal 2.25 feet above your head, connecting you to your Higher Self of the Light, Sirius, the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light and Melchior, the Galactic Logos. On the seventh breath, bring your focus to your seventh dimensional portal found 3 feet above the head and your connection to Andromeda, the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of the Light. On the eighth breath, focus to your eighth dimensional portal found 4.5 feet above your head, and your connection to Orion, Lord Melchizedek the Universal Logos, and the Brotherhood of the Light. On the ninth breath, bring your focus to your ninth dimensional portal found 24 feet above your head, and your connection to your Christed Overself of the Light, the Mahatma, and to Mother/Father God through a spiritual doorway in Omega Orion.

As you relax your breath now, you truly feel yourself as your Higher Self of the Light and your Christed Overself of the Light and your firm connection to all these wonderful Beings of Light. You remember your existence as a Melchizedek Ambassador of Light, and your connection to all these incredible Beings of Light, from the first to the ninth dimension. You feel the presence of God deep within you heart, as you now link your Cosmic Heart with the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

It is time for you to come back to this earth plane. To come back in full remembrance as this multidimensional and multifaceted Master Being of Love and Light. You say good-bye to the Pleiadian Emissaries of the Light, and to your friends and family of the Light. You are welcome to come back anytime, and you let them know you will come and visit again shortly. You gently find yourself traveling back to this earth plane in your Merkaba Vehicle of Light with your Pleiadian Master Guide and Guardian Angel. You pass through Merope, Maya, Electra, Taygeta, Coele, Atlas and find yourself coming back through your sun and into your solar system. You are now back on this earth plane and back within your sacred space. Feel your firm connection to Mother Earth through a grounding cord and breathe in the Love of Mother Earth very deeply as you send your Love for Mother Earth deep down into her heart center.

Your Merkaba Vehicle of Light now gently leaves and you feel yourself firmly on this plane and solidly within your body.

We would like for you to practice this nine breathe visualization, so you may feel your deep and Beloved connection to God, the entire host of Heaven, and your wonderful Higher Light. So you may come into Service in Love, and into full remembrance as an Ascended Master on this earth plane. We would further like you to see your body as the body of Mother Earth, and every atom and molecule on this earth plane as atoms and molecules within your body. Prior to bringing in the Pillar of Light and fluorescent tube of Light, visualize a golden bubble surrounding you 10.5 feet in diameter. This is you as Mother Earth. This is you as God. And this is your energy field. Then call in Archangel Michael and the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of Light, teachers to the Pleiadians, to assist you in bringing in this Pillar of Light and fluorescent tube of Light. Then breath into this fluorescent tube of Light, inhaling and exhaling to the count of seven for nine full breaths, and connecting to each of the nine interdimensional portals. Then as you relax your breath, feel into your energy field, feel into your body and feel into the energy body of Mother Earth. Where is there pain? Where is there anger, shame, envy, hatred or sadness? Feel the energy of your Higher Light and the energy of all these magnificent Beings of Light from the first to the ninth dimensions assisting you in cleansing your energy field, and in clearing the lower bodies of Mother Earth. Truly, understand that you are One with all creation. You have chosen to assist in clearing the karma of humanity, and now you need to do this work consciously. Clear your negative ego, clear your four lower bodies, and you will clear for Mother Earth, and every atom and molecule on this earth plane.

We honor you as a Melchizedek Ambassador of Light, as a Master Being of Love and Light and as a Pleiadian Emissary of Light.

With this, we bid you a most wonderful day!

Co-created by Anrita Melchizedek.






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