Contacting Beings of Light 20130607 Méline Lafont ~ Energies of June, Choices and the Emotional Body ~ As channeled from Self


We are going through the wringer of perfection and change.  All that is coming forth now, is a reflection of your personal growth and enlightenment.  All that you should not to cope with anymore is leaving your fields, your Self and your heart.  All sorts of reflections are coming your way now as they represent what you are, what keeps you busy in the mind and what you were until this point.  These reflections are required to be presented to you, as they come in your life and your reality to become noticed as a reminder to work on or to just release them.


Life is about heart choices you make in your life, precious hearts, and there is never a wrong one to make.  You, as a beautiful being of Light, represent the Unconditional Love of Gods Presence, the One of “All that Is”, so you are eternal and so are your choices in life.  You continue to move forward in your chosen path and whatever that may bring into your life, into your consciousness or being, it is all for the benefit and for your highest best at that time.


Your heart knows what is right for you, what you need to experience at this time and what your part is in another ones life as a lesson or experience.  You are all intertwined and connected into this giant Cosmic Web of I AM Presences, forming this beautiful grid of Love, compassion and Being.  All parts of this web form the Oneness and this is where you are part of, what you are forming and what you ARE, all together and as a single heart as well.

As we are going through this wringer of fire, One has to be careful not to become fearful, or doubtful about One’s Self.  You all Precious hearts are being brought to this rather uncomfortable position, where the energies are forcing you to make heartfelt choices in life as well as releasing a lot of old energy and emotions.  See this as a precious gift, for it is helping you to understand more, to grow more and to detach you from the illusion and set you free!


The ego and mind will be very powerful at times, trying to mislead you into the thought of holding on to your comfort zone and to old patterns, for it is losing grip as the ego is fading away and making place for the heart as the ruler and your center.  This process of change and rebirth in your True Self of Light is not only a long one to take place, but also a hard one at times for the ego has been your leading center for aeons of time.


The more you are your heart and the more you linger in your heart, the smoother the transition goes and the faster your evolution and growth continue.  You might be confronted with difficult issues and situations at times, but know that this has a meaning and that it is showing you that this needs to be worked on or removed first, in order to be able and continue this chosen path of yours.


My precious hearts, this is what the month of June of this linear time is all about: the continued process of developing your heart feelings, skills and birth into yourself.  Whatever needs to be confronted first will be played out now at this very moment, for time has been a long one where you have been prepared to do this job. 


The point has now been reached to start acting, doing and changing this so called reality and world that you are in.  Therefore this month will be a lot about change, moving forward as well as about the continuing cleansing and finding the balance in your emotional self and your physical self.  The emotional and mental body might get under a lot of pressure this month, due to the changes and choices that might be your reality at this time.


The emotional body is going to integrate more Light and energies of your higher Selves.  I speak of higher Selves because you are more than 1 energy, being aspect of All That Is in numerous Galaxies and Dimensions, planets, Universes and so on…  This is what your emotional body is integrating right now, and being a multi Dimensional Being, a lot of energy and information is coming in, being integrated and absorbed in your emotional body at this time.  This can show some slight to huge emotional reactions, for the balance will therefore be needed to re-establish itself, with all those new activations and integrations, for you are all Ascending WITH your physical body, which means all the other 4 bodies as well. (The lower mental, the higher mental, the emotional and the etheric one)


Know, Precious hearts, that this might be the most challenging part at this time, for the emotional body is the largest one of all your 4 fields around your physical self.  After this process, the etheric body will start integrating more, which is your spiritual self and this is the stage of the Ascension process where more will be seen and felt in a tangible manner, concerning your gifts, creations and enlightenment.


So beautiful progressions are just around the corner, precious hearts, remember to continue your devotion to Self and your chosen goals in this life experience, with this beautiful prospect in the back of your mind.


Never forget that we, the Ascended Masters, are all Present at this time with you and in you, for you are all part of our Being.  With my most Loving heart and wishes, I bless you all ♥


Eyah Asher Eyah


Méline Lafont/ Lady Portia


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