Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to share some information that came to me yesterday, regarding tonight’s Aurora Dreamflight mission.  As I’m sure you’re all aware, there are a great variety of different experiences available to you, both on-board the Starship Aurora or as a participant in one of her “on-planet” missions.  My own ship-a sister ship to Aurora-will be participating with her tonight.  This will be a joint endeavor to further strengthen and power up the network of undersea crystalline grids, which form a kind of intricate webbing beneath the ocean floor.  If you’d like to learn more about this topic, I have a series of messages on my site by The Crystal Dolphin Pod, which may assist in your understanding of the grids and the issues currently facing our oceans and their inhabitants.   I’m quite technically-challenged, and for some reason the link won’t work.   So you can find the articles under the “Crystal Dolphin Pod” category, at:

From what I’ve been told by Declan (who is now aboard my ship and is in charge of our Teams), we will meet up on-board Aurora and embark from there via smaller craft.  I’ve had this experience before, and we actually dive into the ocean from a hatch on the bottom of these crafts, which are able to hover low and undetected over the surface of the water.  It’s pretty amazing!  Assembled into Teams, we’ll enter the ocean and make our way to the bottom,  meeting up with our incarnated Sirian Brethren-The Dolphins!  And then we swim.  And swim.  And swim…

The purpose of all this swimming is to infuse the grid with our combined energies.  (Bear in mind that you’ll still be inhabiting your higher vibrational bodies during the mission).  This a way to further stabilize what is a very delicate structure (envision it looking a lot like lace).  Right now, as I’m sure you know, the planet is really rocking and rumbling, and Gaia’s oceans are in need of all the loving support they can get.

Please be kind to yourselves, and don’t be too upset if you aren’t able to remember this, or any of the other experiences you have on your Dreamflight.  It’s a process, like everything else.   I can assure you that one morning you’ll wake up stunned at all the cool things you remember you did while your Human body was  asleep!   Please trust your clairsentience (clear-feeling) implicitly, because much of what we recall comes in as emotion rather than imagery or words.  A few tangible hints that you may have been a part of one of the undersea missions are:

• An overwhelming sense of well-being.  Dolphin energy is miraculously healing, and simply having an awareness of them is enough to make noticeable changes in your energy field.

• A tightness or soreness in your shoulders or arms.  Cellular memory is quite a fascinating thing, and oftentimes we take back with us the physical sensations of what we did during bilocation (dreamtime).  We all are currently in the process of integrating our higher-dimensional selves with our human selves, and so this also makes physical memory possible.

• A “feeling” of the color aquamarine.  Okay, that may not make sense-but you may feel drawn to that color a lot more the next day.

• A tremendous need to be around water.  Also, you may also be more thirsty than usual.

Another thing- do take note that you may be both experiencingas Yourself and looking at Yourself at the same time, during a bilocation experience.  You may find that the “Real You” looks a bit different from the “Human You.”  Know that it’s just another way your Self and your Team has of transmitting and validating information.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.  Have a safe and happy journey! Bella ☀☮♥



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