May 7, 2021LISA RENEE: “Silent Sound Technology”


“Electromagnetic Weapons utilize the various frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum to harass, disable or kill the target. The criminal abuse of Synthetic Telepathy, Voice to Skull, Remote Neural Monitoring and S-Quad provides an extremely powerful covert method for harassing, controlling, and raping the mind of any person on the planet. This technology in the hands of psychopaths, opens the window to demonic possession of the person’s soul and physical body. However, the success of these broadcasts in many cases also depends on implantation of sensors, implants and conductive metals (that generally remain undetected but do broadcast a low radio signal), along with the targeted person succumbing to the voice’s instruction. There are online groups worldwide, where thousands of people share their experiences of being a targeted individual and of being covertly harassed by these Synthetic Telepathy technologies. It may be helpful to understand that the abuse of Artificial intelligence for the satanic agenda is mainstream Satanic Ritual Abuse, and this is directly connected to the war over consciousness in which the goal is to annihilate the human soul on planet earth. For this reason, we all must take a stand to protect the human spirit inside of us.”

~Lisa Renee


Silent hypnosis can be transmitted using a voice frequency modulator, the output appears to be a steady tone like tinnitus, but with hypnotic suggestions embedded. Pavlovian hypnotic triggers contain a phrase or sensory cue where the subject is programmed to involuntarily act in a certain way, also seen in MK-Ultra survivors. A patent for Silent Sound Spread Spectrum or S-Quad was filed in 1992. According to literature by Silent Sounds, Inc., it is possible to use supercomputers to analyze human emotional EEG patterns and replicate them, then store these emotion signature clusters on another computer and at will, silently induce and change the emotional state in a human being. The two main methods are direct microwave induction into the brain of the subject, and ordinary radio and television carrier frequencies. The system can have positive applications when used in meditation, relaxation and self-help audio programs. However, the fact that the sounds are subliminal makes them virtually undetectable and with the global Mind Control agenda, makes them dangerous to the general public.

Electromagnetic Weapons utilize the various frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum to harass, disable or kill the target. Psychotronic weapons are those EM weapons that interact with the nervous system of the target. These weapons usually operate in the very low (100 to 1,000 Hz) or extremely low frequency ranges. The criminal abuse of Synthetic Telepathy, Voice to Skull, Remote Neural Monitoring and S-Quad provides an extremely powerful covert method for harassing, controlling, and raping the mind of any person on the planet.

This technology in the hands of psychopaths, opens the window to demonic possession of the person’s soul and physical body. However, the success of these broadcasts in many cases also depends on implantation of sensors, implants and conductive metals (that generally remain undetected but do broadcast a low radio signal), along with the targeted person succumbing to the voice’s instruction. If at all possible, targeted individuals must be aware to take their health and sanity into their own hands and to avoid asking for help from those in the medical system that are uninformed of such matters. Targeted individuals can potentially detoxify the body of implanted biosensors with MMS, frequency devices and other cleansing methods. They can also refuse to listen to the threatening voices, while placing every effort to empower themselves through re-education, recognizing that these phenomena do indeed exist and learn the reasons behind it. There are online groups worldwide, where thousands of people share their experiences of being a targeted individual and of being covertly harassed by these Synthetic Telepathy technologies.

Also, it is suggested to investigate all methods and intend to take back your spiritual power by using spiritual housekeeping tools, 12D Shielding, and prayer. Pray to God, requesting contact with the Guardian Krystal Star forces to strengthen the mind and body, to help take back personal sovereignty and spiritual freedom. It may be helpful to understand that the abuse of Artificial intelligence for the satanic agenda is mainstream Satanic Ritual Abuse, and this is directly connected to the war over consciousness in which the goal is to annihilate the human soul on planet earth. For this reason, we all must take a stand to protect the human spirit inside of us. [1]


  1. Telepathy

See Also:

Synthetic Telepathy


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