Brave Hearts


Brave Hearts

Where are the brave of heart to stand in freedoms right?

Where are the brave of heart, who are unafraid to fight?

We need no Guns, or weapons in this war which now is waged

No!, the weapon is our minds, which we’re allowed to be enslaved


The power we each hold is mightier than any sword

We’ve allowed our voices to be silenced and go unheard

Deep within your hearts you know both right and wrong

We just forgot the family to which we each belong


For we are Human BE-ings, with rights to live and Breathe.

And our hearts know it’s wrong, as our liberties are seized

So set down your fears as you burn the masks of slaves

And stand in your power! In Love, as Warriors Brave.


Know you are Children of God! In whose image made so clear

Stand UP! And be brave of heart, come out from your prison of Fear

For you are Warriors of Truth, hold up your banner aloft.

For when the lies are exposed no longer will people scoff.


And All we have to do is Open Up our Hearts!

When we swop the Fear to love, we are each playing our Parts

Parts that we forgot, in our mission to set ourselves Free

As our Earth rotates and rises, And we remember Just To BE!…..


Written March 12th 2021. © Sue Dreamwalker.


It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there’ll be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result. ~Mahattma Gandhi

Sue Dreamwalker


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