Eliza: Through the Eyes of a Falcon


Eliza:  Through the Eyes of a Falcon

Every day this past week, I have been greeted by a peregrine falcon, that flies over my head, sits on the power-lines and then flies a bit further.  Every morning, it has been sitting there, a plump little bird all puffed up in the cool Florida morning air… seemingly waiting for my arrival.  I look up, see it, it flies away, only to repeat.  Occasionally, it flies overhead.  Well, when an animal repeatedly shows up, it is showing you something, mirroring something… something you need to pay attention to… of course, I could say the same of all the ibises I see on a daily basis, the osprey, the black birds, the Grackles, the woodpeckers, the squirrels, but for some reason, the Peregrine Falcon draws my attention.  I feel an uplift of energy when I see its little silhouette sitting on the high-power line above my head.  So, what does the Falcon convey?

“Falcon’s alignment with solar energy brings fiery power into the equation. Falcon asks: what is your passion? Are you acting on that passion intelligently? The pursuit of objectives comes naturally to Falcon, but not without having a tactical plan laid out.

“Other characteristics ascribed to Falcon include energy, foresight, ambition, courage, willpower, transformation, vision, mental acuity, freedom, control, magical aptitude, and a bright life-force.

“When Falcon appears as a Spirit Animal and Guide in your life, an opportunity isn’t far behind. Falcon’s message is to start planning and thinking ahead. Eventually, you will be called upon to act, but not without a sound strategy and Falcon’s medicine to guide you. Falcon makes you intimately aware of your own potential. Most personal achievements come when we recognize the proverbial life tools we have in our box. Applying those tools and maintaining focus brings about a soaring success.

“Falcon may also bear the message of attentiveness; if you are too close to a situation step back and rise above! From here, the situation or environment that surrounds provides clues – increasing your perception and supporting strength of purpose.

 If you were born with a Falcon Totem Animal, you have a naturally keen mind that can work several steps ahead of many of your co-workers. This aptitude balances nicely with seemingly never-ending patience so that each and every opportunity gets proper attention. The intensity of your focus means that sometimes you need privacy, during which you can really consider timing and strategy.

Falcon people are independent. It allows you to follow your inner-clock on action or inaction without having other people complain about your metered pace. In meditating on past lives, you may have a surprise in store as Falcon Totem has ties to royalty and leaders that may not end in one turn of life’s wheel.

The Falcon totem is very energetic, often moving and forging ahead. They are not the best leaders but make excellent scouts. As the Falcon soul matures, they become involuntary role models for other curious spirits with a thirst for discovery. Effectively, Falcon people are the pioneers of the modern world, just waiting to soar.”

Excerpts above taken from: https://whatismyspiritanimal.com/spirit-totem-power-animal-meanings/birds/falcon-symbolism-meaning/

So, as a walk-in I wasn’t born here.  I kind of ‘dropped in’ to this vehicle, soul-braided for a while with the previous occupant and then she left.  The Spirit Animal for Tazjma, beloved Sister, was a grizzly bear, a HUGE grizzly bear that she saw while doing shamanic journeys and occasionally in dreams.  She was never afraid of bears, although respected them and gave them space.  It would appear that I am more in alignment with birds, especially hawks, ospreys, and falcons.  Since my consciousness and personal focus is different, it follows that my spirit guide in animal form will also take on a different appearance and quality.

Anyway, my point is… pay attention to what repeats in your world.  It could be a message.  Since we are really energy Beings, we response to energy, whether in the form of other people, animals, trees, plants, the stars… whatever appears to be physical in this great Universe.  It is all energy, all quantum.

As we move from one Gregorian year to another, changes, massive changes will come into each and every one of our lives.  It is inevitable.  Change is the only constant in life.  Whether or not you are prepared to flow with the changes is entirely up to you.  Can you effect the outcome?  It depends on your focus and determination… and how well you let go of any expectations.

This past year 2020 has demanded a lot out of people.  I have found myself making decisions to strike out more independently than I had previously.  For those who might wonder why… being a walk-in in a 3D physical body is no picnic.  My high frequency consciousness is stuffed into an older vehicle that gets stiff, achy, has headaches, gets grumpy, and dislikes being told what to do or what to think.  Sound familiar?

Our body is not ‘us’, my body is not ‘me’.  I KNOW who I AM, elsewhere… at least a part of the vastness of my Oversoul of which I am currently aware.  It doesn’t matter where I came from; it matters what I do here and NOW.

I have learned a lot by being here, experiencing the energies that all of you, kind people, have had to put up with for millennia.  I can tell you that things will get better, eventually, but it will take a concerted effort on the part of the Human collective of this world to make it happen.  The beginning of 2021, again the Gregorian calendar – an imperfect man-made construct – will be bumpy.  Ask any good astrologer; they’ll tell you all about the squares, sextiles, oppositions, etc., etc.  Well, what do you expect when we are all transitioning from one energy, Capricorn (Earth) into another Aquarius (Air)?  According to one fine astrologer, 2021 will be a confrontation between the paradigms of control (New World Order) and freedom (Patriots, the world-over).  Choose your poison or happy juice, folks.  The choice is yours.  The dark, negative timeline (NWO) or the positive timeline (Freedom, New World, Age of Aquarius).  Some people have already made their choices and we are seeing the results of those choices on the world scene, especially as the intense Military Sting operation that posed as a Presidential Election continues to play out.  Just know there will be Justice; there will be Pain… and God Wins!

Since I never took high school Civics (it is not in the curriculum anymore), remember I walked in… I didn’t go to high school here.  I went to Arconia University on an entirely different planet, starting at age three!  Well anyway, of late, I have been receiving an education on the American Constitution and what an amazing document it is.  The foundation of the law of the Land and one that has been violated numerous times by the persistent Deep State through the decades past.  It is time to wake up, folks, to take to heart the words of your forefathers.  A Republic is only a republic as long as the people participate in self-governance.  Those who blame the people for choices made are repeating the sentiments of the global elite – only they have made sure that their ‘guy’ or ‘gal’ always gets in through the use of fraudulent votes and manipulation, bribes, blackmail, and treachery.  This is all now being revealed and it is an issue that exists in each and every country world-wide, not just the States, Los Estados Unitos.

So, what do you choose?  I choose freedom.  I always have.  I am for giving the people the opportunity to govern their own lives, to decrease the size of the government, to get the government out of our bedrooms, sex lives, schools, hospitals, health care, businesses, finances, etc.  Get the hell out, already.  None of the existing government agencies, the Alphabet Soup of Washington D.C., no one of them is constitutional and I hope they will all be dissolved.  Representatives should have term limits and not make careers as politicians.  Lawyers need to learn Common Law and not be associated to the BAR, which is a foreign entity.  Foreign governments should get out of the business of running the United States… yes, I am talking to you, Rothschild and the Crown.  Great Britain and the globalists have owned the government of our fair country since the 1780’s.  We didn’t win the Revolution.  We didn’t win WWII, either.  The Nazis invaded the States under the guise of Operation Paperclip.  The communists are everywhere, but, remember, they are still tools of the global elites.  Yes, my fellow Americans there is much that will get revealed in 2021 and in the years to come.  Digest it, ponder it, get angry, forgive yourself, and move on.  You didn’t realize that your world has been ruled by an alien entity for thousands of years, but you are finally waking up to the Truth.

Find what each of you resonates with… don’t blindly follow or believe ANYONE.  No more putting musicians, actors, politicians, celebrities, etc. on a pedestal.  You’re going to find that most of these people do not deserve your love and admiration.  You deserve to love yourself, to remember that you are a SOVEREIGN and powerful CREATOR Being, living life as a human being.  There’s a lot to learn, experience, and explore in this beautiful world filled with beautiful people, diverse cultures, and gorgeous landscapes, ranging from desert, sea, plains, and mountains.  Enjoy this life that has been granted to you by Providence.  Be grateful for whatever you have, now.

HAPPY NEW YEAR, all!  May a falcon or other spirit guide assist you to find your way forward, upward towards FREEDOM and PROSPERITY!

I AM, humbly,


All Rights Reserved, Eliza Ayres, http://www.bluedragonjournal.com

It’s time to put on the Full Armor of God, with Archangel Michael at our side!


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