A Timeless MindDecember 31, 2020 by Rachel


A Timeless Mind

December 31, 2020

A mind possessing absolute Truth is a timeless mind. A timeless mind perceives reality as an ever-expanding present moment divinely orchestrated by the Divine Mind. Moment by moment, the mind’s increasing awareness functions like a light illuminating the pre-existent divine potentials for its individualized self so that they are expressed into reality.

Timelessness is circular, like an ever-expanding sphere. We see this circular movement in the cycle of a day. However, in the dream of a sleeping mind, the mind imposes a linear continuum of time upon this movement because of the relative truth it holds as true. In relative truth, all things of “life” must express their opposite, which causes the movement toward decay and death. In timelessness, there is no “degrading” movement, because in the realm of absolute Truth there are no opposites to abundant Life. Therefore in timelessness, every moment harmoniously layers upon another, so as the mind expands in SELF-awareness, its individualized self experiences ever-expanding reflections of beauty, vitality, joy, and abundance, which is Life.

Our ascension up the primordial staircase reflects this timeless pattern because it’s the movement of the true Self, who is the expression of absolute Truth. Our prodigal journey up the primordial staircase is one of timelessness occurring within a mind still believing in time, like life starting to grow in a shell. Though the shell appears lifeless outwardly, there is life expanding within. During our awakening, absolute Truth expands within our mind and our finite dream reality (shell) breaks or fades away as our true Life expands, revealing the true Self in creation.

Every divine expression an individualized Self will ever convey into creation pre-exists in absolute Truth’s Living Presence (God), which contains every divine potential for every individualized mind/self for eternity. As an individualized mind’s eye perceives and illuminates its particular divine potentials, the mind transmutes them into thought energy that gives expression to an individualized self and its corresponding sphere of reality. As a result, each moment the individualized self experiences unfolds according to the all-seeing eye of God, thus it’s expressed in a height of perfection only fully known by the Creator. As a result, the Self experiences the Creator’s radiant Spirit of Divine Love through divinely orchestrated potentials, in which the Self manifests divine love (the highest good for all) in its reality.

The energetic movement of these three dynamics: Truth’s Living Presence (The Creator), the Spirit of divine Love (spirit of oneness connecting the Creator and an individualized mind), and the individualized mind (the Creator’s mechanism of SELF-expression), is Truth’s trifold creative force. As our mind receives awareness of divine potentials from the Spirit through our thoughts, will and desires, we experience them as our creations. This experience of being the giver or creator of life is our Creator’s gift to us, as well as a reflection of our oneness with our Creator.

In this understanding, we realize that everything that will be expressed already exists. We are only aware of the divine potentials currently being revealed. As we surrender to divine emergence these potentials are manifested through our individualized mind. In divine orchestration, there are no missed moments or opportunities because every divine potential for each individualized I Am presence is perfectly expressed. Thus, there is no need to try to control or manipulate future experiences, for they already exist in perfection. This is the heart of our rest and joy.

This divine unfoldment of our individualized self through a timeless mind is like an infinite beautiful garden and in the center is a Light. As the Light’s luminosity increases spherically outward it reveals the beauty and wonderment of a garden brimming with Life that always existed but was unseen, thus uncreated.

Understanding the timelessness of absolute Truth transforms our mind into a gateway so that the true Self can be revealed. This understanding establishes our victory, because what we are conscious of being, we become. Victory is experiencing the perfection inherent in absolute Truth as it is outwardly expressed in the divine Self.

So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory. ~ 1 Corinthians 15:54



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