Declare Your Independence! & Facebook Live


We are being asked again and again at this time to make a choice in our lives.  So many people have no idea what might be happening so, they do nothing.  Sometimes it is easier in life to pull back or out and withdraw.  In this time of chaos as we clear out the old energy to fully manifest the higher vibration; it will help you to choose to move forward. Choose the Light. Choose what feels good. Choose what enhances your life and in doing so you are declaring your independence from the past or what no longer servers you.

This channel took place the day after Independence Day for the US.  There was already a lot of that energy around and the Goddess was able to tap into it and amplify as we aligned within the All That Is.  What does independence mean to you?  Not just in a global way, but truly mean to you?  What would you like to move beyond?  What would you like to change?  This is all of what the Goddess touched upon and as you bring independence into your life you begin to realize you can transform everything.  Even if it is a winding path to get there; you can achieve whatever you seek to manifest.

Be bold! Be independent! Be clear! 



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