Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn ♑ Warning Signs ⚠️ in Silent Wars JULY 2, 2020 / YEREVAN


Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn ♑ Warning Signs ⚠️ in Silent Wars


The Lunar Eclipse 13 degrees of Capricorn on July 4th/5th is the last of a series of eclipses in the polar signs of Cancer and Capricorn between 2019 and 2020. The recent reinforcement of mandatory shelter in place lock-downs and wearing of masks relates to the Sun in Cancer/Moon in Capricorn themes of security and authority, of the fears of death by viruses, food shortages and impending martial law.
A t-square is formed to the Black Moon Lilith in Aries which can be taken as a dark omen of explosive things to come, but not at all when most people are expecting them. I normally don’t “black-pill” in my blog posts but the scale of ignorance I have witnessed lately has compelled me to communicate with an urgency that is equal to that being displayed in race riots.
Social movements funded by globalists have served as a major distraction to seizures of property and personal rights, not to mention the widespread roll-out of 5G technology and the silent launch of smart cities worldwide. While people have refrained from going out and about as usual, the roll-out has rapidly grown in several parts of the world. The design of such infrastructure is intended to be used for total surveillance of every inch of occupied space in addition to population control. This is a DEADLY weaponized form of technology that weakens immunity, and it has been shown that the first areas to be hit hard by corona had first experienced a roll-out of 5G. Meanwhile, too many people are looking the other way – including healers and psychics. They say “we can’t do anything about it anyway…”
Since when did passivity form the basis of the spiritual lifestyle?
The United States of America is particularly vulnerable to this effects of this eclipse which make an exact opposition to its Sun at 13 degrees of Cancer. It also forms a square to the US’s Saturn in Libra and to its Chiron in Aries. It is more than just a bit coincidental just how many major aspects are hitting the US’s chart during this Election year. Current events may serve as a strong warning of what may unfold during America’s Pluto Return during the next couple of years. The country is diving masked-nose-first on its way into a deeper economic collapse than anyone alive today has ever seen. That is unless millions more people quickly reroute their attention toward legitimate solutions instead of what the media dictates they should be doing.
The eclipse is exactly opposite of asteroid goddess Vesta, ruling over sacred space, refuge and the ability to keep the home fires burning. Fire can sustain life or burn it down to ash. That fire can be actual or metaphorical. People have been forced to remain inside of their homes throughout 2020 so that they do not step outside for too long and observe the totalitarian takeover of their city streets, schools, businesses – and of their own minds!
Pallas Athene, warrior goddess of truth and justice which is in exact degree conjunction to Jupiter, and also conjunct Saturn and Pluto. Her archetypal energy may be attuned to for growing the inner resolve to face the enormous challenges that lie before us.
Jupiter in particular has been our leading planet in 2020. Here is an brief quote from the extra long article I wrote last year called “Jupiter in Capricorn 2019-2020: End of an Epoch and Turning Point to a New Life”:
“The combination of Pallas Athene, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in 2020 indicate that powerful forces are at work in our personal lives and on a large scale, relative to authority figures, hierarchies, government and the economy. The overall tone may to some seem heavy, depressing or overly serious when both Venus and Jupiter go Retrograde on May 14th. Venus goes Direct June 26th and Jupiter stations Direct again on September 12th. Both of the Great Benefics going backward may cause us to draw our resources closer and become less outgoing…”
Also, of Jupiter in particular:
“The ancients knew of Jupiter’s glory and magnificence. They fully understood its importance in
world events. Both Jupiter and Saturn were said to control the masses and to guide the destinies of humankind until the awareness of individuals grew aware enough to determine some of their own fate. These two planets in addition to Pluto are playing huge roles in economic and sociopolitical movements between the end of 2019 and beginning of 2021 as their coming together has been ushering in an epochal turning point in society and global currency.”
The warning signs are all around us, practically mocking us at every turn. Defunding the police is not the answer to corrupt forces both high and low that capitalize human losses. It would be far more conducive to collective survival to refuse compliance with governmental programs that seek to dictate our livelihood by shutting down businesses, that destroy our health through enforcement of medical martial law, and manipulate our beliefs through censorship and propaganda.
This eclipse in Capricorn sheds a light on all being held in bondage, with a brief glimpse into what could be our narrow escape from danger. There is so much more to us than these bodies and the assets that we may or may not own. We are spirits in flesh, currently experiencing a painfully limited version of what life could be…
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