1 The Creator Writings transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner


What Is Your Motivation?

On occasion, humans may create/imagine a slight to remove themselves from a challenging or unwanted situation.  It may be much easier to become angry than admit to yourself (and others) that the ego has taken control.  For a bit of expended energy, you can become free…but at what cost?  If this is done on a regular basis, a habit may be formed and the mind will begin to crave the dissonance.

The Universe is asking you to take a deeper look into your motivations and reasons of using this ‘exit strategy’.  You are also being invited to be honest with yourself.  Your Earth plane is moving toward a more transparent and peaceful time with no room or time for dissonance.  Being true to all will be one of the most important things you will ever do with your time here. ~ Creator


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