Found this most interesting…..

There are ways to know through Q. Here’s what has come out recently –
Explanation of Coronavirus Spread Sheet – a list of arrests made around the world – with the column “Status”, “tested positive” means they plead “guilty” or “have been found guilty” – “Dead” or “Died” most likely means “executed” – “Reported Sick – self quarantined” means “plead or found guilty and under house arrest”. “Flees and Self Quarantined” means “locked out and imprisoned”, I think. I know she’s in a USA detention camp/center, similar to Gitmo, but I don’t know where – she’s been before a military tribunal and found to be guilty of a multitude of heinous crimes against humanity, but she won’t be executed until she’s finished giving information. Execution for her will be by lethal injection – they get their choice of means. This is a spread sheet, so if you follow a name all the way to the far right, it’ll give you the link to the “story”. They are updating this information regularly. The reason they are giving this information out in such a coded fashion, is because they want people to know the truth, but there are still laws in place that forbid the overt publication of it – OVERT being the operative word here. Eventually, it will all be published with no coding, that is, overtly. will also give you lots of information – the bar at the far left are the tabs for the various sections of information covered.


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