Pluto Retrograde 2020 – Social Upheaval and Massive Rites of Passage


Pluto Retrograde 2020 – Social Upheaval and Massive Rites of Passage

Pluto, the planet that is most closely associated with the underworld of crime, money and other matters that influence the masses is turning Retrograde on April 25th until October 4th. Pluto represents powerful currents of energy that can effect the consciousness of an entire nation or the world as a whole. These currents can come from natural or unnatural sources. Their forces can be extremely jarring and even fatal. Nuclear fission, large explosives and major power plants all fall under this planet’s dominion.

Ordinarily Pluto expressed in an inverted way would be less forceful than when direct, but it would be wishful thinking to expect a tapering off of Pluto’s immense effects any time soon. This Retrograde station is set off by an agitating square to Mercury and the Black Moon Lilith in Aries. Stressful contacts between communicative Mercury and manipulative Pluto often indicate that the propaganda machine is heavy at work, with the crisis dial being raised a hundredfold.

On a smaller scale, depending on the houses being transited and any personal planets that Pluto makes aspects to, many individuals may experience significant endings during this Retrograde period. These could relate to physical or metaphorical death and whatever occurs could be significantly life-altering. This could also be seen as a rite of passage that leads to some other form of expression, relationship or living overall.

As for me as an astrologer, I’ve let go of caring about being seen as a “conspiracy theorist” in an age when humanity is being hypnotized by massive glamour and a constant shit-storm of lies and psychic attack through the media. What I do care about is truth, justice and freedom. The Black Moon Lilith is an aspect of the maligned feminine that is currently coming to bear with legitimate anger and a desire to break free from abusive patterns.

The second of three conjunctions this year occurs between Jupiter and Pluto on June 30th while Pluto is Retrograde. This year Jupiter has been expanding all of the themes relevant to Pluto’s transit through the late degrees of Capricorn by exposing the corruption of giant conglomerates funded by the power elite, and their not-so-hidden agenda to seize control of the entire world population, or more specifically, anything and anyone who isn’t part of their V.I.P. club. If it wasn’t Covid-19 it would have been something equally frightening being utilized to usurp our freedoms and push businesses both large and small into deeper debt and widespread economic slavery than anyone alive today has ever seen. That doesn’t mean I believe this agenda is going to succeed, but the road ahead of us in not neatly paved. This onslaught against us has become a war that those who are aware of have now chosen to engage in. This is not done by traditional warring methods but by making choices that starve the propaganda machine to death, and instead feed the spirit with truth, beauty and vitality. There are healing solutions to so many problems that we face but they have purposefully been buried and denied. This is a time to reclaim those solutions for ourselves and our loved ones.

Mars in Aries forms a square to Pluto on August 13th and due to its Retrograde motion in September makes two more squares in 2020, the second on October 9th and the third on December 20th. A square between Mars and Pluto is one of the most telltale signs of war and conflict, especially involving cardinal signs. This Mars-Pluto square coincides with the build-up toward the great U.S. election of 2020 on November 3rd which is marked by a stellium of politically-focused Pallas Athene, Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn. These are trying times that we are living in, in some ways similar to and even worse than the Great Depression. It is also tension that can strengthen our wills and chisel our character. It just so happens to be human nature to need something really big to occur before serious improvements are made.

One of the most potent ways to be able to communicate during times of psychic warfare is through art, which is must trickier to censor than speech alone. This is a year to stay vigilant, prepared and empowered instead of merely hoping that safety will be gained by following orders.

Anything is possible now and one of the most important things to remember is that each one of us does have the power to effect change, even if in a small way that contributes to the whole. The Butterfly effect is a perfect example of this.

What I celebrate now is the grass being green, the birds still singing, and seeing people collectively beginning to realize what is happening behind the scenes. Pluto is just showing us what must be purged so that we can enjoy life the way we are meant to be able to.  


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