NorthPoint Journal Jan 13 to 19, 2020


NorthPoint Astrology Journal

Your weekly guide to planetary influences
January 13 to 19, 2020
by Pam Younghans
THE ASTROLOGICAL WEATHER continues to be incredibly stormy. Over the course of today and tomorrow, January 12 and 13, we are experiencing the exact alignments between Saturn, Pluto, Mercury, the Sun, and Ceres. We may be clearly aware of the effects of this planetary tornado in our personal lives, or we may be feeling the tension more empathically, through our heart connections with significant others, or simply because we’re all linked through mass consciousness.

At times of overwhelm, our choices of what is important often become clearer. And those who are facing the challenge of a literal storm in their environment right now – whether floods, fires, or earthquakes – may be needing to quickly make decisions about what they want to pack and what can be left behind.

For those of us who are not in such critical times on the physical level, we are likewise being compelled to consider what is most important, and what can be discarded. It may be an attitude, a fear, or a way of reacting that we sense is no longer needed, that is actually causing more harm than good in our lives.

I MENTIONED last week that we are in historical times. Saturn and Pluto represent the principles of authority and power, respectively. When the two planets align at the same degree of the zodiac, every 35 years or so, we often see tensions rise between nations, or between peoples and their governments. We also see similar developments at other pivotal times in the Saturn-Pluto cycle, when the planets are in hard aspect with each other.

To follow the historical thread, personally and collectively, here are the significant dates within the Saturn-Pluto cycle that ends today: November-December 1982 (conjunction); March 1993-January 1994 (waxing square); August 2001-May 2002 (opposition); and November 2009-August 2010 (waning square).

ALTHOUGH we can point to significant global events that occurred around those dates, they were also times of personal shifts for most of us. Saturn and Pluto bring about circumstances – large or small – that can feel overwhelming or fearsome, primarily because they are outside our control. These situations may come through a decision we make, such as moving to a new location or starting or ending a relationship, or they may develop without our conscious choosing.

One of the higher purposes, now and each time that Saturn and Pluto interact, is to help us find a new level of inner empowerment and authority, one that is not defined by outer circumstances or even our own habitual reactions. It can be hard not to crumble when life appears to be falling apart – and, sometimes, the emotional or physical collapse can be an essential step in the process. But, ultimately, we survive – and we can even thrive, if we allow ourselves to take that next step in personal empowerment and internal authority.

IN SPITE of circumstances that may seem outside our control during this Saturn-Pluto alignment, we always have a choice of where to put our attention. We can dwell on that which raises fear in us, or we can dwell on that which increases our capacity to love. An open heart is where true empowerment and inner authority are found.

Ceres and Charilko can help us with that goal. These two planetary objects are also aligned with the group of planets in Capricorn right now. Their energies are intricately involved in what we are experiencing – it’s just that it takes some effort on our part to hear their quieter voices, which are too easily drowned out by the loud clangor of Saturn and Pluto.

The dwarf planet Ceres represents our capacity to nurture, both ourselves and others. As Earth Mother goddess, Ceres cares deeply for the Earth, for children, for nature, and for animals. It is during times of environmental crisis that Ceres’ voice is the loudest. As she aligns with Saturn and Pluto in responsible Capricorn, she calls us to reprioritize our values, to put the security and survival of our planet and its inhabitants at the top of our agenda.

CHARILKO is also empowered now, being just two degrees away from Saturn and Pluto. Named for the wife of Chiron, this centaur* is seen as a supportive midwife for our process of healing. In her research, astrologer Melanie Reinhart has found that Charilko has “a gift for creating or holding sacred space, the ability to witness and facilitate transition, the silent power of receptivity, and the strength of Being.”

With the strength of Saturn and Pluto to support her, Charilko offers us greater access to these qualities than we might have had before. Through this alignment, we can more consciously hold the sacred space for a new world to emerge from this time of transition. But first, we must become the midwife who is not overwhelmed by the process of birth, but has taken on the task of facilitating it. As we come to center, soften the fear response, and open our hearts, we gain clarity not only about what we most value, but also about the kind of energy we want to contribute to the planet and all life at this critical juncture.

MERCURY, the Messenger Planet, is also part of the planetary lineup in Capricorn. This means that communications are a strong theme now. Words carry extra power, so be especially mindful of your intentions, as well as how your spoken and written words might be interpreted. Our motivations must be very clean, because we’ll quickly see the results of any missteps.

We might think of this as being similar to a Mercury retrograde phase, when caution is advised in all matters that involve the sharing of information or ideas, especially if our words could be construed as being judgmental (Saturn) or manipulative (Pluto).

CONFRONTATIONS are possible this week, especially on Tuesday and Wednesday, when Mars is in hard aspect to Pluto and Saturn. The exact square between Saturn and disgruntled Eris occurs on Thursday, another indicator that tensions could increase midweek.

However, we can also feel some movement out of places where we’ve been stuck, thanks to Mercury’s shift into Aquarius, also on Thursday. In the positive, Mercury in Aquarius can help us think outside the box, and assists us in conceiving progressive ideas and solutions. But, we can also be a little more scattered mentally, or impatient when things aren’t improving fast enough. That tendency is increased on Saturday, when Mercury is in hard aspect to Uranus. Next weekend could be a great time for brainstorming; we just are advised to wait to implement any plans until we also check out their practicality.

AND REMEMBER, throughout this week and for the rest of January at least, how important self-care is now. Whether we’re aware of it consciously or it is beyond our level of awareness, we are each navigating some truly profound energy shifts.

Please take the time to rest, to nurture yourself, and be likewise kind to others. Know that as much stress as you are feeling, others are feeling it, too. Be gentle, and allow your heart to guide your words and your actions. What “needs” to be said or done immediately may not look as crucial after we’ve slept on it – and, by the next day, when emotions are calmer, we may find it easier to hear the soothing voices of Ceres and Charilko whispering in our ear.

After the Tornado
Airing Live and Recorded for Replay
Thursday, January 30, 2020
4 pm PST | 5 pm MST | 6 pm CST | 7 pm EST | 12 midnight GMT

AS THE FIRST SCENES of “The Wizard of Oz” unfold, a tornado upends the world. It is the beginning of Dorothy’s hero’s journey, through which she eventually discovers how strong she truly is. Along the way, she encounters like-minded souls and gains a new sense of connection and community.

We’ve been talking for months about the astrological tornado of January 2020. During a single week, from January 8 to 15, an amazing number of significant planetary events occur, clustered around a powerful Lunar Eclipse and the alignment between Saturn and Pluto.

IN THIS 90-MINUTE WEBINAR, entitled “After the Tornado,” I will first talk about how our individual and collective experiences in January relate to these astrological events. This review is important to undertake, because our path through the rest of 2020 directly relates to events in January.

From there, we’ll “ease on down the road” and explore in more depth the primary opportunities and obstacles we’ll encounter in the first half of 2020. Highlights include:

Jupiter’s alignments with Pluto, when we could have spin-off tornados, and how they relate to events in January
Saturn’s entry into Aquarius and return to Capricorn, demanding progress and requiring completion of the old
The shift of the nodal axis into Gemini/Sagittarius, adding another level of karmic completion and evolutionary growth into the dynamic
The alignments of Pallas Athena with Jupiter and Pluto, inspiring new solutions and the empowerment of the feminine
Before the class airs, you’ll receive calendars of January through June, which you can use for note-taking. During the last half of class, we’ll move week-by-week through each monthly calendar, noting when there are important developments. As always, I will do my best to “bring the stars down to Earth,” explaining in practical terms what the planets are doing, how they are likely to affect us, and how we can best navigate these momentous times by focusing on higher purposes and our own capacity for spiritual maturity.

I hope you can join us! If you can’t attend live, the class is recorded for replay at your convenience. All registrants receive an email with a link to the replay, audio replay, and PDF slideshow.

TO REGISTER: Visit The class fee is $33. Payment and registration may be handled online via PayPal or by check to Elsie Kerns, 2007 Rabbit Run Rd., Marlton, NJ 08053.

Once you register, you will receive emails from and Please check your spam folder if these emails do not appear in your inbox.

Questions? Please contact Elsie at or 856.988.7426 (EST).

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Since early October, you have been working with some profound planetary energies. You may be feeling especially passionate about a new course of action, but also somewhat cautious. If you were on the planet in 1980-82, you no doubt experienced a major shift in your life during those years; you can consider 2020 to represent your next step in personal empowerment. You are being asked to consider how you want to claim your passion or your mission, whether it be through a career move or a shift in your personal life. Throughout the coming year, you will have a stronger sense of what will work and what no longer works. This greater objectivity will inform your choices going forward. (Solar Return Sun conjunct Mercury, conjunct Ceres, conjunct Saturn, conjunct Pluto)

In Gratitude and Light,


NorthPoint Journal copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2020. All Rights Reserved.
* A centaur object is similar to asteroids in size but to comets in composition. Centaurs orbit the Sun like the other planets in the solar system. Most are found between Jupiter and Neptune.

Aspects of Note This Week

All times listed are Pacific Standard Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 8 hours.

MON: Saturn conjunct Ceres, Sun conjunct Pluto, Sun conjunct Saturn, Sun conjunct Ceres, Venus enters Pisces, Sun square Eris, Ceres square Eris
TUE: Mars semisquare Pluto
WED: Mars semisquare Saturn, Venus sextile Uranus
THU: Saturn square Eris, Mercury enters Aquarius
FRI : Mars semisquare Ceres, Mercury semisquare Neptune, Mercury sextile Chiron
SAT: Mercury square Uranus

About the NorthPoint Journal

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to offer perspectives to assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.

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To learn more about private astrology sessions with Pam, please visit the “Personal Readings” page at To schedule a reading, please email

Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2020. All Rights Reserved.

NorthPoint Astrology, 15000 Block 75th, Kenmore, WA 98028, USA

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