Laura Eisenhower: Truth doesn’t need believers to exist, only lies do. Truth is just waiting for us to align with it and the rest just organically falls into place, even if…


Well said….

Truth doesn’t need believers to exist, only lies do. Truth is just waiting for us to align with it and the rest just organically falls into place, even if it means massive change, destruction and upheaval. 

Source:  Laura Eisenhower

If we really want to defeat the Cabal, lets all get along and respect one another. That is what they don’t want — this is how we win.

WE can get entangled in the details, the info and dis/info and lose the point. We can feel desperate in our attempts to wake up others or have them see things our way — but it weakens us when we forget that Unity is our strength. But we got to do what is necessary to protect our space from attack.

We can plant seeds and stay determined to maintain balance, flexibility and compassion. Sometimes though we have to say goodbye to people who don’t respect our attempts to simply share and who are the ones that are really in fight mode.

We all need to just be free-thinkers and reach our own conclusions without harming one another in the process. Truth doesn’t need believers to exist, only lies do. Truth is just waiting for us to align with it and the rest just organically falls into place, even if it means massive change, destruction and upheaval.

A huge wrecking ball is tearing down old structures, taking it back into the Underworlds to process, clear and then rise again — to build a better foundation that is able to receive the intelligence of our higher mind and heart — who flows with a positive shift into the World we wish to see.

The more we can hear it, the more we can bring it in to our physical reality and make it a way of life. The Earth responds to us. But we don’t need to fight each other — that only feeds the thing we are trying to stop. Victory is an inner achievement first, over duality.

WE need to stop our own negative, imbalanced or unhealthy Ego, which is what they want to own through our minds, so that we serve an agenda without realizing it. Ego is a powerful vehicle that needs to align with Love, Wisdom and Spirit to be FREE and be the override frequency to create the changes we wish to see.

Outer events should trigger internal growth, instead of infecting us with a possible future or current reality that we fear. We are never doomed.

If we externalize everything we rely on things outside of ourselves to determine our reality and in that we risk stagnation. This stagnant state is what accumulates stress and anxiety until it blocks our circulation with Cosmic and Earth energies which are leading us into Ascension.

It keeps our divine abilities, creative power  and imaginations in lockdown and it feels like doom — but it just needs a breakthrough and remembrance of our authentic self who knows exactly what it needs to do, to co-create a positive and beautiful future. 

It dismantles the false Matrix because it has taken its power back without becoming power hungry.


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