The INTERNAL Separation of WorldsMay 26, 2019 – Denise Le Fay

The INTERNAL Separation of Worlds
The “Shift” or “Event” as some call it and expect it to happen, has been happening continually inch by painful and difficult inch for the past thirty physical linear years on Earth. Intensely so in the physical dimension since 1998–1999. I’ve referred to this constant “Shift” “Event” process energetic Stair-steps that the First Everything-ers, Foreunners, Pathpavers, Embodiers, Wayshowers have been traversing for the past 20–30 or more years in this life. However, many people believe and expect some instant special-effects type of external singular “Event” and/or “Shift” to happen all at once that will shift them and their physical bodies into a much higher state and reality. If it happened that way, no one alive on Earth would physically survive it because the frequency range difference between what has been and what we’re evolving into is too extreme for anyone in a physical body to survive in-tact in a single “Shift” or “Event”. Mass humanity is nowhere near evolved enough to be able to make a single evolutionary leap “Shift” or “Event” and ascend to a higher level of being. No, this “Shift”/”Event” has been unfolding quite differently for decades already. 


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