Miracle Makers August 24, 2019 by Rachel


A grateful spirit of Truth is a powerful spirit, one who brings forth miracles.

Along our journey of enlightenment, we learn of the nature of our true Self, which is made in the image of God. Divine gratitude is inspired by this Truth and as this gratitude consumes our thoughts it creates beautiful and unexpected miracles. Divine gratitude is an enlightened creative act by an enlightened mind. It’s the transformative power of the Light Bearers, who by their shining are able to change reality from the unreal to the real.

Gratitude produces vibrational energy of incredible creative impact on the landscape of reality. For those awakening, it’s how the Truth of our divine nature we see with our mind’s eye gets expressed into reality, transforming it from darkness to Light.

Gratitude for the Truth is divine gratitude. When gratitude is given for Truth, it’s a living creative energy of tremendous power. It’s energetic vibrations change the forms of creation, so Truth is expressed in reality, initially appearing as miracles until a reality of Truth is formed. A miracle is a reflection of Truth where there once was an illusion, Light where there was darkness. Miracles are born from our thoughts of Truth extended into reality through divine gratitude and are manifested through the creative act of emergence.

Divine gratitude is the means and end to our awakening as we transition from the unreal to the real. It translates the Truth we received from the Spirit and can perceive with our mind’s eye, into outward expressions that reveal the Kingdom of Peace.

Being an embryonic Self, through whom the Kingdom of Peace is created, the first revelations of Truth we receive is our understanding of our true Self and its oneness with God. Because Truth is ever-present, the spiritual attributes of our true Self are also ever-present. Therefore, we can be sincerely grateful for the Truth we’ve been taught about ourself and everyone else, in every moment, all the time. In this understanding, we always have an abundance to be grateful for, regardless of what the illusion may be reflecting around us. When we extend Truth into creation through gratitude, despite the illusions, everything is touched with Truth’s life-giving energy, and the illusion begins to fade.

Even in the dream we can see the effects of gratitude upon our physical reality, as seen in Dr. Emoto’s water crystal studies. However, the dream’s foundation is fear, a state of mind that evokes minimal and inconsistent gratitude, and even so gratitude for an illusion is gratitude for nothingness. Therefore, gratitude doesn’t exhibit its true potential until we begin to understand our true nature.

During our awakening, where we are in a mental transition from the illusion of our false self to our true Self, there are times when the illusion feels like it’s closing in on us as we actively push through its darkness. At these times our mind can habitually retreat into perceiving the illusion as true. As a result, we can tailspin into despair and complaining, two energetic vibrations that create disharmony. In these moments, we can instead choose to give gratitude for the understanding of our true Self. Even though gratitude may feel half-hearted, it remains sincere and therefore effective because Truth is ever-present regardless of how we feel in the moment. Our choice to give divine gratitude becomes a transformative power that brings our mind back to the Truth and fills our reality with Light.

Because our thoughts extend outward and create, this exchange from complaining about the illusion to gratitude for Truth is powerful beyond our imagination. We can’t hold a thought of gratitude and complain at the same time, and the one we choose, we project and create. Do we choose to see our false Self or our true self? Do we choose to see the illusion or the Truth? Do we choose to see darkness or the Light? These all are the same question with the same answer. Again, what we choose is what we create. Choosing to give divine gratitude lifts us above the illusions our physical eyes perceive, where we feel subservient to the illusion, and welcomes the Truth into our mind giving us sovereignty over the dream. In this sovereignty, divine gratitude reshapes the landscape of our reality into expressions of Truth.

As we practice divine gratitude and it grows more consistent, like a dawning light in the darkness, we bring Truth into the Illusion. In this dawning Light, the Kingdom of Peace emerges as our true Self extends its miracles.

If you can see the Truth of divine gratitude, you will want to consistently practice expressing it until the Kingdom of Peace is manifested. This is the high calling of the Light Bearers.



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