Honoring our Master Love Bending Teachers


Aloha BeLoveds – 

Today, July 22, we are initiating our Day out of Time
Water Ceremonies and #LoveBenders journey.

If you missed yesterday’s invitation, you will find it HERE:

Today is also the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene. She, her Spirit
and Wisdom, has guided my life and heART in countless ways.

For years, She has graced the cover of my Book of Love.
Our Book of Love, really. This Book? Not the OG version,
rather a current iteration.

This Book of Love contains Love Letters, gathered and preserved,
collected from the flood of Thank you’s I received after igniting the
Go Gratitude Experiment. Kept together, contained in this
Book Of Love, so that when my memory fails, or my heART forgets,
or this soul gets weary from navigating the long dark nights,
I can turn to this Book of Love and drink deeply from the Holy
Grail of Gratitude. If you have written me a letter over the years,
it is probably in here!

The notebook you see next to the Book of Love?

My OG Book of Gratitude.

This is where Inception of the Spiral Order of Appreciation
— ie. Go Gratitude and the symbol/sigil/grail — is recorded. You can
see on the cover I was already getting a glimpse of what was 
downloading in my Field of consciousness: It is the Gratitude symbol,
but in reverse. An accompanying Butterfly sticker heralds the
transformation to come. I simply required space and time to clarify
my perspective and Faith Wisdom to Trust inner guidance, inspiration
and intuition as it arose.

Of course, to take each step as the Path was unveiled.

“Pas a Pas se va luènh.”
“Step by step we find our Way.”

Now, feel this synchronicity:

Today is also Masaru Emoto’s B’earth Day.

Masaru Emoto Sensei,

– The Author of The Messages in Water.

– Keeper of the Crystalline Codes of Love and Gratitude.

– He, who emoted the power of emotion to inform
our Reality thru memory held in water.

– He, who’s work inspired me to ask:
“What is the Symbol of Gratitude?”
That question set me on The Great Quest at heART,
brought me to you, and us here, Now.

Today, we lovingly and gratefully honor these two
Wisdom Keepers and yes, Love Benders,
Mary Magdalene and Masaru Emoto.

Both Master Teachers of Love and Gratitude.

Each have informed and guided my life in ways words
may never describe, but my Soul heART knows.
And, my ART knows. Truly.

For in my heART and my art, my journals, dream journals,
FB posts and records of all kinds, I find rememberings
… perfectly planted time-capsules of in-form-at-ion,
that resurface, having patiently waited for me to
enwaken, to see and receive what these seeds of
wisdom now have to offer. Always, of course, with Knew eyes.

So today, I offer this Spirited prompting, One BeLoved
to another: Keep on keeping on intuitively creating your art.
Save your Doodles. Keep your journals. Records your dreams.
These are your Time Capsules and Records to help
navigate the way forward, inward and onward. I’m sure this
is why I am inspired to craft our #LoveBenders ceremony
as it is, weaving in journaling over the course of the go.
Again, you can review the Ceremony Invitation HERE

BeLoveds, Today is one of these days where the great-full-ness of Life,
the heART path of Loving Gratitude, is spiraling home again.
Love is gratefully calling us to be present, to pay attention to
our inner knowing and artfully pray forward the Love and Gratitude
in our heARTs.

Mary and Masaru have shown us The Way.  It is up to us to carry
forward the wisdom they — and countless others who have come
before us — have gifted us and b’earth our own Great MasterPeaces,
in the here and Now.

May you remember that you, too, have your own unique MasterPeace
to add to the Great Coming Together at HeART. 

We all do. 

Let’s do it together, as One HeART united!

Thank you for being my heART, BeLoveds … and writing/riting
this Book of Love and Gratitude, together as One.

Mahalo and much Love,

Stacey Sophia Robyn

#LoveBendersUnite #GoGratitude #WeareLoveAlways


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