A Message from Your Guides 2/2/19

A Message from Your Guides    February 2, 2019
We greet you with great love and gentleness of heart. So many of you are transitioning in numerous ways and not allowing yourselves to feel compassion and acknowledgment for all you are navigating in your life. You can and will move forward consistently in ways that seem small to you yet, cumulatively, you will make great progress in a relatively short time. You have great universal support in your personal and collective development. 
Your ability to progress in ways that serve your highest good is at an all time high. It is very likely you will find it easier to accomplish long held goals than ever before. You will also have the ability to reconnect with those who shared or supported those goals. When that is apparent to you, it will be that much easier to pick up the pursuit of those goals wherever you left off. It is as though you are playing a board game and landed on the space that says “go forward nine paces” advancing you far along your path quite rapidly. Far from gloating to your fellow players, you will enjoy their rapid progress as well. As you individually move forward more rapidly, you all move forward more rapidly. 
When you make the choices that amount to your highest and best good, you also effect the highest and best good of all. As such, we lovingly implore you to be more mindful of your choices each day – the small ones as well as the large ones. As you rapidly move forward together, you create a better world for all. You each create your own reality through your thoughts, beliefs, words, choices, and actions. 
It is not for you to judge another’s choices. Another’s choices are of little concern to you unless you allow them to be. If another’s choices cause you no harm, it is in the highest good that you let go of any attachment whatsoever to what another’s choice is – especially if you are allowing yourself to go into judgement. It is not your job to judge another. It is your job to lovingly support or detach. When you have mastered the art of making these the only two paths around another’s choice(s), you have made great spiritual progress. Until then, focus on your own choices and leave others’ choices to them. 
Beloveds, we tell you once again – we are loving you powerfully in every moment with every breath. The more you breathe in the truth of these words, the more you feel our love and support. Know our love is for each and every one of you including those you judge. When you are more mindful that all are beloved to us, you may recognize that we hold all with loving compassion. It is our deepest desire that you hold all your brothers and sisters with love and compassion and thereby heal yourselves of any ills you hold in your heart. 
The heart is a powerful organ – fueled by Love – the most powerful force in the universe. Know and own this and free yourself of the tyranny of fear. Fear not and you are free. Be love more and more with every choice and you become freer and freer. As you free yourselves of fear and judgement, you make more room in your heart for Love. Love is always the highest and best choice. 
And so it is.
The Collective of Guides 


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