Cosmic Disclosure: ET Detention and Interrogation Season 11, Episode 13


Cosmic Disclosure: ET Detention and Interrogation
Season 11, Episode 13

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I’m your host, David Wilcock. We’re here with Emery Smith and Corey Goode.

And in this episode, we’re going to be talking about extraterrestrial detention facilities.

Emery, welcome back.
Emery Smith: Oh, thanks. Excited to be here.
David: And, Corey, thanks for being here.
Corey Goode: Thank you.
David: We have talked in the past about this Intercept and Interrogate Program that you were involved in, Corey.

So, in case someone isn’t aware of what that is, could you please summarize that for us briefly now?
Corey: Yeah. It’s a program that is, in part, similar to “Men in Black”.

What this Intercept and Interrogation Program does is that if an intruder flies into our system, doesn’t give a friend or foe signal, and is intercepted, they are taken from their ship.

Or what happens in most cases is that ETs have made it to the Earth and are here secretly blending in as one of us.

And this group will go in and retrieve the people that are here – we call the ETs “people” – the people that are here without permission, bring them up to a certain station, and their interrogations would begin to find out what was going on.

This group also operated as a police force for the non-terrestrial groups that were here with permission.

They helped keep them apart. And when they had issues, they acted like police.
David: Now, the program you were in, Corey, is called Solar Warden. A warden would be like somebody working in a prison or jail. Is there any relationship with that name?
Corey: Yes. The mandate of Solar Warden was to police our Solar System. That was the main mandate.

They had also a program to establish bases on the closest stars in our local star cluster. But, yeah . . . that’s . . . That was their mandate.
David: Emery, you claim to have autopsied over 3,000 different biological specimens.
Emery: Correct – specimens.
David: Did you see any that looked enough like humans that they could be here on Earth in that program?
Emery: They look just like us. They smell like us. They walk like us. They’re just . . . Their IQ is higher. They’re a lot more conscious than we are.

And they can easily fit into any place on the planet, regardless of language or religion or, you know, the finances of that country, we’ll say.

So they don’t have to have a lot of money to survive here. They can live like a poor person, or they could live like a rich person, or just a regular person.
David: You’ve been involved in a variety of different ops programs. The one that you and I talked about the most over the last 10 years was these autopsies.
Emery: Yes.
David: Did you get into other programs later on where you were aware that certain of these human ETs were here on Earth?
Emery: Yes. And what had happened was some of the extraterrestrials that we were working on in the lab and doing dissections and whatnot, some of these full-bodied humans, extraterrestrials, would come in, and they would be very badly beaten, where subdermal hematomas from being hit in the back of their head, looks like they were tortured, sometimes many broken bones.

And we don’t . . . I didn’t find out till later on that these beings were actually coming from a prison or a withholding cell [holding cell] of some sort and were being interrogated.

And this is probably what, you know . . .
Corey: Yeah, it sounds . . .
Emery: Because it was after that they would probably come and send them . . . because they’re just a corpse at that time.

So I’m just assuming, after hearing your testimony, that this was what we were receiving, because usually, they’re in pretty good shape unless they were, you know, shot down or something.

And these were obviously beaten to death.
Corey: Yeah, we can mention this a little bit later, but, you know, I also received . . . When I was on the research vessel, I received specimens that we passed on. I can talk about how we did that, if it relates.
Emery: Right.
Corey: A lot of times, the individuals that were being interrogated just died of stress and trauma from the process. It was very disturbing. But they were tagged and sent for study afterwards.
Emery: Right. We had a few come in that they actually starved to death.

So I’m not sure what happened, but they were definitely . . . they starved to death.
Corey: Yeah, well, there’s prisons that they have for them, some of them, where they bring them, like a conventional prison.

That’s where they need to further interrogate them for a while, get more information, or have them to trade off or to pass off.
Emery: Right.
Corey: Fairly recently, I was given an extensive, I guess, viewing and tour of the Lunar Operation Command. And it connected to two other commands.

The Lunar Operation Command they call LOC Alpha, and below ground, in these lava tubes, are two more, called LOC Bravo and Charlie.

And LOC Charlie has a research facility that’s cryogenics. And one of the floors of that is a storage facility for some of these beings that they put into stasis.
Emery: Right. There’s a huge one of those where I worked – I’ll say a large cryo morgue – where these are kept, you know, in the hundreds, before they go into the lab.

There’s always enough bodies and there’s always enough specimens. It’s like an unlimited amount. It’s like they can’t keep up with it.

There’s just so many going on, you know, hundreds of these rooms that I’ve worked in there that people are working on.

One of the things that happened one time, we did get a bunch of bodies. And they were completely ripped apart and burned. And they stopped doing this.

They were using the military with giant C-130s and Hercules to transport bodies to different labs around the world. And one crashed.

And then they stopped doing it, because civilians arrived on the scene and saw all these different creatures and different . . .
Corey: Do you recall when and where?
Emery: That was in 1994. Yeah.
Corey: Hm.
Emery: And this year . . .
David: And where was it?
Emery: I don’t know where it was. I have no idea. I just know the whole background story because we were actually briefed on it, and because the tissue changes when it burns.
Corey: Uh-huh.
Emery: So you have to be really careful not to take that tissue.
David: Do you know what they did with the witnesses once those people saw this? Were they terminated? Or . . .
Emery: Yeah, I heard the witnesses were threatened. And I know there was one witness that was terminated on site.
David: Because they just couldn’t handle it? They were going to talk? Or . . .
Emery: I think . . .
Corey: Or they saw one thing they weren’t supposed to.
Emery: Yeah, I think it was more of that. And they were snooping around and actually taking things from the site.
David: Oh, wow!
Emery: I mean, from the crash site. Yeah.
David: So what do they use instead of a C-130 now?
Emery: Oh, everything’s done underground. Everything is through the maglev tube system or other systems that they have for transport down there.
Corey: Hm.
David: Could you describe what this cryo storage facility would look like, this cryo morgue?
Emery: Oh, yeah, sure. Ah, I’ve seen it many times.

It’s basically . . . I’m trying to think of a movie, maybe, that could relate to that.

Well, think of that “Matrix” scene, you know, all those bodies sitting in there, but these are all up and down, okay? And most of them are up and down, but some of them are at like a 45°.

And if you walk into this area, it’s about five stories high, okay? It’s below freezing in there.

And each one of these containers are a different size. They’re not always all the same size because of the different specimens.

We have vacuum-sealed containers that are just this big [Emery separates his hands about 12”] for very small pieces of tissue.

The smallest one is about 12” x 6” long. It has a keypad on it, and it’s made out of glass and a special metal. And it’s vacuumed. So it has its own vacuum-suction pressure system.

And it also has a gas system, because some of these samples have to be stored in different types of gases to keep the tissue, not always just ice and . . .
Corey: I hate to interrupt, . . .
Emery: Sure.
Corey: . . . but on the research vessel, when they would bring in specimens, they would rebag them. And they would arrive in like . . . especially the smaller samples . . .
Emery: Uh-huh.
Corey: . . . would arrive in a small kind of metal box that had what looked like glass across the top.
Emery: Yeah.
Corey: And the specimens looked almost freeze dried, . . .
Emery: Right.
Corey: . . . but they weren’t. They were in stasis. This is how the ETs shipped it to us.
Emery: Uh-huh.
Corey: They then . . . The technicians then took it in, turned off the device in a certain way, unsealed it.
Emery: Yes!
Corey: It was vacuumed, and they removed it. And then they put them into another vacuum-packed metal box that was then put into a bag, like a hazardous materials-type bag, . . .
Emery: Right.
Corey: . . . that was sealed at the top.
Emery: Yeah, no, that’s very accurate. I’ve seen the square metal cases before.
Corey: When you looked at the specimen, it looked like it was freeze dried.
David: Right.
Corey: But when they would turn it off, it would go back . . .
Emery: Yep.
Corey: . . . to looking wet.
Emery: That’s right. Yeah.
David: Hm. So we’ve been talking about your Intercept Interrogate Program, and this is obviously a whole world that none of us have been privy to.

What kinds of prisons do they have if these beings interlope and get into our Solar System? How do they deal with that?
Corey: What happens in an interrogation? If they’re cooperative, if they say, “I’m here. I’ve got a small support team that’s cloaked outside of Jupiter,” or, you know, just for example, “please contact them, verify . . .”

And in many cases, we would hand them back over to their support group, [and] say, you know, give them a slap on the hand and say, “This is the process that you come in legally,” I guess you would say.
David: Hm.
Corey: Now, the ones that they wanted to further question, they would keep in prisons, out of stasis, you know, just like a normal prison.

And some of these prisons were ships. Some of these prisons were actually some of the asteroids that we had mined.
Emery: Uh huh.
Corey: And then we ended up going in and creating partial cryo prisons, and . . . but mostly, just regular-type prisons.

So there’s a number of ways they keep these beings locked down.
David: So what percentage of these violations would lead to sort of a friendly warning as opposed to actual incarceration?
Corey: Whew! That’s . . . You know, that’s really hard to say. I really didn’t find out what happened to them after a certain point. You know, that information was compartmentalized.

But the discussions that we had when we were off duty was that, you know, this is what happened to them.

So, I really don’t have any numbers on what percentages . . . who was ferreted where.
David: Hm. Emery, when you were in these programs, did you ever meet what appeared to be a biological extraterrestrial?
Emery: Yes.
David: Could you describe whether . . . like, did you ever get to talk to them? Did you ever get to find out if they were here on an approved basis, what they were doing here, that kind of thing?
Emery: Yeah, they were working in conjunction with . . . Some extraterrestrials actually volunteered . . . either they were captured, then volunteered to work here and help us, or some were actually . . . came here on their own will and had some sort of authorization to be in these labs to work with the physicians on many different biological aspects of tissue regeneration and hybridization and cloning.
Corey: Yeah, that’s right. They did force a lot of them into scientific positions.
Emery: Yeah, it was either die, or you can work here.
Corey: Yeah.
David: Hm.
Emery: And they do threaten them really well, as far as I heard. I’ve heard many stories.

Even on my team, I know one of the physicians was an extraterrestrial human and spoke and smelled just like us. It was not, like, any different.
Corey: After they eat our foods for a while.
Emery: Right.
Corey: If they don’t eat our food, they smell completely different.
Emery: Correct.
David: Hm.
Emery: Right. And we also had other types of extraterrestrials that were there, that later on, through my experience, I saw in meetings and stuff. But they were not part of my project.
Corey: When you interacted with them, were there any type of weird social . . . weird things?
Emery: Yes.
Corey: Can you describe some of them?
Emery: Yeah, you know, they’re very careful what they say, because a lot of them are still, like, learning our little idiosyncrasies, I’ll say . . .
Corey: Yeah, the English especially.
Emery: It just . . . It doesn’t come out always perfect. And a lot of . . .You can see they’re really trying to pronunciate [sic] the words, kind of like when people come over from other countries to the US and they only know maybe 60%, 70% of the language.

And, you know, they say it, but it has, like, maybe a harsh accent or something like that.

And a lot of them, I think, actually, . . . They have emotions like we do, too. And they laugh, and they can be sad, and you can hurt their feelings, because they really, over time, the majority of them – not all of them; some go rogue and try to escape – but the majority of them, actually, I think, after being with us, I think they feel sorry for us. And they want to help. And they want to stay.

I really think they’re that . . . They’re so compassionate. They’re like us times 10 in compassion.

And, you know, I’ve seen so much selflessness from a lot of these beings, especially when things get a little . . . sometimes things go wrong in the labs and stuff. And they . . . You know, they’re there. They’re not being shady, is what I’m saying. They actually care. Yeah, it was really interesting.
David: Did you see a sense of humor? Would they . . .
Emery: ABSOLUTELY! Humor is a big thing, a big thing with them. And . . .
Corey: They love our music, and . . .
Emery: Yeah. They love the lights. They love our music. Anything that has to do with the senses is just, . . . they really indulge in that.
David: Hm.
Corey: Some of them like gambling because of that adrenal . . .
Emery: Right. So they also pick up on our bad habits, as well, such as food, and like you said, gambling, and these exciting things that we can get tied up into.

So they’re not invincible, because they fall under our dimension as well.

So I mean, they’re here just like we are, but they’re just very conscious and very . . . Their IQs are through the roof.

And if you get one that speaks really well, you know, you won’t probably know it – that they’re an ET. Ha, ha, right?
Corey: Right.
David: Somebody’s going to want me to ask this, so I’ll do it now. Do either of you think that there are people in very visible public positions that are actually extraterrestrial humans?
Corey: I was told back when I was in this program that they are very limited in how they can participate with society.

They can . . . They have . . . Everything has to be pre-approved. They can work in our companies and that kind of thing, but they can’t hold places of power.

I mean, that’s for the ones that are coming here on whatever internship it is.
Emery: Absolutely. They’re not allowed to have any influential positions. I would know.
David: Other than business . . .
Emery: I’m telling you guys, I would know right now, for sure, if someone of great power was an extraterrestrial. And they’re not doing that to us.

And maybe in the future they will if they have to step in and save the planet and save us. But right now, there is nothing like that going on. And the corruption shows that around the world.

And they do. They have specific rules, like Corey said, that they cannot do certain things here.
David: We have 7 billion people on Earth that are Earth-born human. And Corey, you’ve described a colonization of our Solar System that appears to be much more vast than just Earth’s population.

Could you speculate as to how many people are actually living in our Solar System, if we use the expanded term “people”?
Corey: It’s millions.
David: Well, there’s billions just on Earth, but you think there’s millions of other people living in our Solar System?
Corey: Well, there’s millions of our own people living throughout the Solar System.
David: Right.
Corey: When it comes to non-terrestrials that live . . . , it’s a large number. Yeah.
David: Is it . . . Is there some reason why Earth humanity gets to be in charge of who comes and goes out of our Solar System, as opposed to other groups that are already colonizing here as well?
Corey: Well, for a while, that’s how it happened. These different genetic farmer groups were controlling who was coming in and out.
David: Oh!
Corey: Once we developed the interstellar travel abilities and the military in space that we have, we began to police our own Solar System.
David: Hm. And the other groups allowed us to do that? Or . . .
Corey: Yeah. A lot of them didn’t have a choice because we had . . . We now had their technology, or greater, that we were receiving in these trades.

We were trading, you know, people and genetic material off in this galactic slave trade. And it’s a huge . . . There’s a lot of commerce going on.

So, I mean, for a while, we had issues when we were developing these commerce pathways throughout the local 52 star clusters, because there were already well-established trade routes.

And we were interfering with that. We had a big learning process.

Now it’s to a point where . . . It used to be: when we had to send a whole fleet to bring, you know, beings and bullets to a certain outpost.

Now, they use the types of ships I was in – the big cigar-shaped. They are completely automated.

And they fly from star system to star system. And they kick off, you know, these containers and leave them floating, and then they shoot to the next star system to do the next delivery.

And they have no worry that a different group’s going to come along and take their belongings.

It’s now all . . . You know, everything’s well established now.
David: Corey, you had mentioned that there is some new information you have about aquatic beings in the Pacific. Could you explain that to us now?
Corey: Yeah, there’s some new information I have, but this information I had back when I was in the interrogation program.

The Navy had accidentally discovered an ET base under the Pacific Ocean that they were unaware of and that was not approved.

The other non-terrestrial groups they communicated with said, “No, this is not approved.”

So they then . . . The Navy intelligence then organized a “training operation” above this base, to where they were dropping depth charges and other deep penetrating weapons into the ocean and pretty much destroyed this base.

Now, . . . And the people . . . As they were dropping these ordinance into the ocean, ships were flying out. They were seeing all this activity. There were ships leaving, like, evacuating.

So weeks later, the program sent in some of their electromagnetic subs to go in and recon this base.

And when they did, there were dozens of these beings that were still alive. And they ended up bringing them up for interrogation.

And, yeah, they were . . . they were aquatics.
Emery: Do you know what they looked like?
Corey: Yeah.
Emery: What did they look like?
Corey: Well, these were actually pretty small. They had them in this one tall, vertical tank together. And then they were kind of like using the fish hooks that they do on fishing trips, [they] were reaching in, snagging them out very roughly, pulling them out, and bringing them and putting them in this other tank that had cabling hooked up to it and a metal band around, just stuck to the glass – it looked like with silicone or something.

And these beings . . . They had a big kind of lobe in the front of their head that was obviously how they communicated. By the size of their jaws and all that, they could tell that they obviously did not communicate vocally like we do.
Emery: Right.
Corey: They communicated through . . .
Emery: Echolocation.
Corey: Yeah, very similar to, like, dolphins.

So they figured out a way to communicate with them. We were not communicating with them.

Aquatics are hard to communicate [with]. Their base of reference is completely different than ours.

But they were stressing these beings out, applying, . . . changing the temperature of the water, putting chemicals in the water – doing all types of things to stress out these beings when they were questioning them.
David: Emery, how often did you see aquatic-type beings when you were working in the program with the autopsies?
Emery: I’ve seen a couple hundred aquatic beings, . . .
David: Hm.
Emery: . . . and meaning . . . or samples that were aquatic or aquatic beings.

And he’s right. It’s just a completely different type of a body and a different type of cellular biology. And, you know, it’s very different, just as we are different than a dolphin or a fish.
David: Did they have more cartilage than bone, in the way that their skeleton was?
Emery: Yeah, that’s a great question. They did. A lot of them were not able to walk on land. Some were able to.

Some had a bony structure. And a lot of them had these very cartilaginous type of bodies, where they didn’t have, you know, . . . What gave them shape was actually this matrix web of cartilage intertwined with, like, amazing muscle mass and amazing muscle definition.
David: Hm.
Emery: One of the ones that I actually examined had the body of a human. It had these fins that ran down the sides of the outside of the body, and kind of a little bit of webbed hands and feet, and stood about 6′ tall.

Now, I’ve seen very small ones, like he talks about.

And size does not matter in the universe . . .
Corey: Yeah.
Emery: . . . I’ll tell you that much.
Corey: We’ve had ships that crashed that were this big. [Corey separates his hands about 12”.]

Emery: Right.
Corey: And they were occupied.
Emery: Yes. So beings can be very, very small. We would have to use these giant neurological microscopes sometimes to operate on some of these and take samples, because you know, they were only, like, 3” tall.
David: Neurological microscope meaning that you had to interface with it with your mind?
Emery: No, alls it . . . No, I’m sorry. Neurological . . . just a standard microscope they use in neurosurgery . . .
David: Oh!
Emery: . . . for brain surgery and stuff, so a magnification, you know.
David: Right.
Emery: It comes with its own chair and stuff, and you just sit there and make these very small movements. And it is a very dynamic thing. But . . .
David: The Atacama humanoid you dissected in “Sirius” [2013, available on Gaia] is only about 6” tall.

Emery: 13 cm, right.

David: So how was that comparing with some of the smallest ones that you saw?
Emery: Well, the smallest one I’ve ever operated on was about 3”.
David: Really?
Emery: Yeah. Full body. Same thing – the head was three times . . .
David: And it was an adult?
Emery: The head was, yeah, three times larger. You know, the heads are always, for some reason . . . they’re always a little bit larger than ours.

And it’s probably for the brain or other things they have that’s special. Like, you know, his aquatics had this giant thing on the front for echolocation and communication.

And we see a lot of that. We see a lot of these giant bumps and whatnot. It’s made of calcium. And they’re in really odd shapes.

And it’s very similar to that of whales and dolphins, like you said, Corey.
David: Corey, we have these various beings coming into our Solar System, and some of them are approved, some of them are not.

You haven’t really talked that much about the Intercept Interrogate Program before. So could you explain for us some of the beings that you saw in that program? Give us an example.
Corey: Most of them were human. They just looked human, and just various types of humans.

About 10%, maybe 15%, were the types that you hear described, you know, as “aliens” – very strange-looking – evolved in a completely different environment.

So you know, we had insectoids. We had different types of reptilian beings, which, you know, we immediately turned over to the Draco.

The insectoids . . . There was a certain type of insectoid, a certain group, that was always turned over.

But, you know, I described the one that had a weird seahorse-looking head and an insectoid segmented body. There were a number of different amphibians.

Now, I’ve described before the cat being that I saw, and that was actually later on when I was in . . . when I was serving on the research vessel.

Some of these beings, there is a capture or kill order out on them, because they just want to gather intelligence.

One of these beings was this feline-type being that had the ability to teleport anywhere it wanted. And it basically just had to think of where it wanted to go, change its vibration to the vibration of where it wanted to go, and it just was there.

And it was a very highly evolved species that this military group wanted to get a hold of.

So apparently, they set up some sort of – like in the movie “Jumper” – some sort of an electrical grid that when it popped in to have a meeting with someone it was meeting with on a regular basis, they were able to catch it in this grid.

And it basically electrocuted it to death. And we saw the body when it was being transported, and it was very tall. You know, it’s hard to tell the way they were carrying it.

It was sort of lavender-colored, and it had, like, net burn marks all over. The tip of its ear was burned almost all the way off.

But the weird thing is that even the sociopathic people that were there, everyone, was overcome with emotion.

Everyone just started . . . tears started rolling. You felt so incredibly sad about this being.

And there were people there that had no emotions, literally, that were crying.
Emery: Right.
David: Did you ever see feline-looking humanoids?
Emery: Yes.
David: Does any of this ring a bell?
Emery: Oh, yeah. Lots of feline, cat-looking-type beings.
David: So that was common?
Emery: It’s a common thing.
David: Hm.
Emery: Like you said, they’re highly intelligent, and some of them are transdimensional, so they have these various special abilities.

And some of them, actually, like an electric eel, have, like, electricity in them somehow. They’re always putting grounding plates on these things before we operate on them to make sure that we don’t have any static, or they don’t have any electricity left.
Corey: Yeah, I know what you’re talking about.
Emery: You know what I’m talking about? So it’s like . . . You know, I don’t like working on those because a lot of people, even though they had the grounding plates on them, they were electrocuted – some of the technicians and physicians.
David: Really?
Emery: But other than that, yeah, they’re very common. There’s many different types of species from all over the universe.

And I haven’t . . .I don’t know of any that were bad that I could recall, in the briefings, I mean, when we do get that sometimes.

So that’s a good sign that they have super powers and they’re not aggressive.
Corey: Yeah, this particular being, I remember, was visiting a certain individual, giving them spiritual advice and knowledge.
Emery: Oh, wow!
Corey: And the individual that it was visiting was killed in the capture as well.
Emery: Interesting! Wow!
Corey: They were getting information of a spiritual nature from this being that was appearing to him from time to time.

And some of the technology they have is able to tell when something teleports in, you know.
Emery: Right. Sure.
Corey: I mean, it’s like there’s a disturbance in their grid . . .
Emery: Absolutely.
Corey: . . . that they’re able to triangulate in on.
Emery: Yeah.
David: Well, we’ve been talking about the prison system – that’s a big part of this show – and so in the time we have left here, I’d like to ask this one last question.

There’s been a variety of sci-fi movies that may have been inspired by the Cabal, that seem to be talking about the idea of prisons where people are put into some kind of suspended animation.

So we have a specific question from the audience, because we like to answer your questions, and it said: Do you have any information about the US prison systems on Earth developing suspended animation detention technology?

Are they actually doing that to either of your knowledge?
Emery: I’m aware of that, definitely. They do this. It’s a cost-effective way of keeping people at bay that have done some things, bad things.
Corey: I’ve heard of them doing this to certain special operators that have gone rogue, that are just too dangerous to be released into civilization.

But I haven’t heard of any plans to do that on the general population prison system, though I wouldn’t doubt that plans are there.
Emery: I wouldn’t doubt that. Yeah.
David: Well, within the rule of law, I think the ethical objections would be so high, I don’t think it could ever be approved by any legitimate elected government.
Emery: Yeah, there are entire planets like that that have these suspended animation holding cells, . . .
David: Really?
Emery: . . . they call them. And not saying the planet is as big as Earth, but pretty big planets that are out there. I’m sure Corey knows about this. And that’s where they keep them.
David: I did hear from the space program insider, Jacob, that he described there were prison planets, that there were planets in which the main function of that planet was to imprison people and keep them from leaving.
Corey: It sounds like what we’re living on a little bit.
David: Ha, ha.
Emery: Yeah. It’s very similar.
David: Well, Jacob had specifically said you would not want to ever get caught in one of these planets, that it’s an incredibly miserable existence if you’re in one of those situations.
Emery: Well, the ones I’m talking about were suspended animation and cryo.

So these beings are in a deep sleep for hundreds of thousands of years, and a thousand years, 100 years, could be even longer, depending on what they did.
David: Well, you guys have both done a great job here. It’s a very enlightening discussion.

This is “Cosmic Disclosure” with Emery Smith, Corey Goode and me, your host, David Wilcock. Thanks for watching.


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