Akashic Transformations by Jen Eramith


This month brings a rush of energy, support, and love in to the world. There is a massive influx of compassion. It is as if a dam has burst and all the spiritual resources, the spirit guides, angels, and loved ones who have been yearning to help you suddenly have access to you in a new way. That inrush of support also exists on the physical plane. There is a sense of community coming together, of people coming into your life, and of each of you finding one another or waking up to one another and realizing you have been there all along. Consider both sides — that there have been people there to support you all along and you were there to support others all along. 

There is much to be done this month in terms of creating friendships, building partnerships, and exploring ways to work together. It all comes down to working together. This is not a time to slow down; it is not a time for sweet, gentle nurturing. The challenges you face are greater than ever before, and that sense of spinning, rapid change, and difficulty that you have been through in July and August continues in September. You are not getting a break this month — instead you are getting an inrush of new resource to help you continue the work.

It is very important that you put your attention on relationships and you dedicate yourself to working with the relationships in your life. Whether it be forgiving someone, allowing someone space, listening to someone, or telling your truth to someone — whatever needs to happen in your relationships in order to make them more useful for you is the work that must be done this month. Let go of the question of who is to blame or how things should have been. Let go of what should have happened with a person and instead ask yourself, As long as this person is in my life, how can I make this relationship most useful for me? How can this relationship lead me to be the best version of myself? Explore ways you can shape and make space for more relationships in your life with that in mind.

This is a time to allow more in, rather than trying to shut out or ignore the things that are not useful. Explore ways to use the experiences of your life, rather than trying to control or direct how things go. Remember that all people are good at their core, and everyone is trying their best. You need one another more than you ever have before. The central truth about humans is the central truth about everything in the Universe — that you truly are All One. As humans, you are in this together and you are deeply interconnected. You cannot ignore, let go of, or shut out parts of humanity without shutting out parts of yourself.

That is not to say that you need to let everyone do whatever they want to you. It is important that you hold strong and healthy boundaries, and that you remove yourself from harmful relationships and situations. But there will be ways that everyone can be useful for you, even the people that you avoid. Yet overall, this is a time of opening and allowing. Spend your time opening the doors, opening the windows, letting more people in, letting more questions in, and letting more light in…


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