Sandra Walter ~ Wildfire update, Lion’s Gate Eclipse Week and Global Meditations

I AM at the Ocean shore this day, taking a respite from weeks of wildfire smoke. The Klamathon fire burned just North of the mountain through July, then the intense Carr Fire in Redding, 60 miles South of here, began on the same night of the eclipse Gate opening. That fire continues to burn, and the smoke spreads all the way up into Oregon.

In our Mastery, we create peace, harmony and healing as these clearing and revelation effects become physicalized. In support of those affected, here are some recommendations:

– Create Peace. Always. Our elementals and collective consciousness are easily influenced; be sure to steer the energy in a positive direction. I heard from many panicked souls during these fires, triggered by the media/news and rumors of negative interference. This is your training ground, beloveds. We are the calming force of Source in these situations. Breathe, meditate on peace, pray rain.

– Support the detoxification. As a collective unified consciousness, assist by cleansing, clearing, detoxifying your own body-mind-emotions-spirit. Don’t fuel the fire with anxieties, take action to be the solution.

– For those affected by smoke and collective angst: Yerba Santa tincture is wonderful for clearing the respiratory system. Activated charcoal, zeolites, fasting, and extra supergreens (spirulina, chlorella, algae) assist in purging airborne toxins from the cells. Drink plenty of water. Saunas purge toxins as well. Less SUNlight can affect our mood; step outside on those clearer days. Meditate often to re-center and heal.

Feel free to assist in creating drenching, quenching rains for California this week. Visualize it, feel it, decree it. Water blessings to ease the smoke and assist the firefighters.

Kindwhile, Solaris is shifting to our new location.

These are the most profound sensations of Ascension, bifurcation and rainbow lightbody so far.  I will share my Gatekeeper notes on these strong visions, weightlessness, organic experiences, cosmic shifts (HUge), and timeline divisions this week.

Remember the mirror gets very close as we transcend the need for veils. Put down the blamethrower and look within at every lesson presenting for your Ascension and timeline choice in this Now.

Positive photonic light is the path of the crystalline bridge to New Earth. It is HERE, Now, expanding thousands into next-level lightbody. Use high-vibe discernment and choose the higher light in all situations.

Dismiss judgment; you do not need it for this journey.

The Lion’s Gate is on Wednesday, August 8.

New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse on Saturday, August 11 at 2:46am PDT

Gatekeepers open SUNday, August 5 for this week of transformation.

Let us Unify on SUNday with our Unity Meditations: Opening the Highest Experience for the Lion’s Gate.

Join us in creating palpable shifts for all willing hearts on SUNday at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pm Pacific Daylight Time. Breathe, center yourself and meditate in the stillness of Pure Source Consciousness for 33 minutes.
Gratitude for inviting your friends, Tribes and loved ones to participate in this co-creation.

Blessings upon all of creation for this unique passage. Gratitude, Love and Strength to all in Divine Service. Here we glow!

In Love, Light and Service,


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