Contacting Beings of Light 20121018 You are ONE great na​tion, not many small​ ones – Hederon from​ Venus through Isabe​l Henn October 16, 2​012​


My beloved inhabitants of the earth, as an emissary and a member of the High Council of Venus I bring greetings of the Venusian people.

We also send still more energies to you. The way is short and so they are strong and full of love. It is an ever growing beautiful vision of how the light and love continue to spread among you. Love is something wonderful, there is nothing better in the whole universe, no matter where you find yourself in it.

Unconditional love is the material from which the whole universe was created and it is spreading still further. This can only be as Prime Creator, the Source of all Being, the purest form of unconditional love, is the primary source from which love flows so great and encompassing and creates. You are love too, for you are like everything else, that is, created from Prime Creator, from his everlasting benevolent love. It does not matter what race you belong to, what the color of your skin is or what religion you belong to. This is only superficial. From the matter of Being-All you are all created, without distinction, without classes, the same value, every single one among you, as is the entire universe. You are all equal as human beings, but as an individual unique and loved without distinction from All-That-Is.

I am aware that I am just repeating what was already told several times by other sources, but it is so important that you understand what is being said and internalize it.

Stop your wars, your disputes over land, resources, or your God. Do you not know that land and resources belong to all people, to the benefit of all and need to be evenly distributed? Land and resources belong to no individual or country. Your Earth is the only planet on which there are such borders, where continents are divided into different countries and dominated by individual governments. And then you divide even God who is indivisible, but solely in the universe. Your God, or Allah, or whatever you call Him or Her, is the Prime Creator of all beings in this entire universe.

I solicit you to settle now your disagreements, whose God is the only real God. You are all right and at the same time wrong. Make peace between your religions and churches, for you all have only one Prime Creator who is the source of all beings in the universe.

You will soon understand this better. Instead of looking for the contrary look for commonalities. This commonality is love, it is inbred in all of you, for you are indeed love, you have only forgotten. As ambassador of the planet of love, Venus, it is my intention to remind you of it. Again and again until it’s become clear to you and the expression of unconditional love determines your daily life, just as it is on other planets and stars, wherever beings come together in a highly developed society.

Even You are on the path to a more developed society. We, your brothers and sisters of Venus, your immediate neighbors, will help you. We will serve as wayshowers and are happy to assist as helpers and mentors to build your new galactic society after your Ascension. You are not alone, together we will succeed.

You can already start by seeing the commonalities instead of your differences, forgive and make peace between your nations. You are One great nation, not many small ones. You are the people of Earth, not British, Americans, French, Israelis, Iranians, Chinese or Japanese. You are residents of One planet. Forget your quarrels and work together hand in hand in building your new One joint society. I know this is the desire of almost all people. It is the desire of your 99%. As you can see, we follow the events on your planet very closely. We can just only send you our love, but soon we will be able to support you energetically. Our ships are only waiting for the signal for landing.

We will see you soon. Until then, I send you my love and the love of the Venusian people. I am Hederon, Member of the High Council of Venus.

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.





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