Ascended Masters 20120703 ~ A Different Perspective and New Outlook -Message from Ascended Master Saida Khatoon


A Different Perspective and New Outlook

Message from Ascended Master Saida Khatoon


Hello Son,

A Different Perspective and New Outlook

When we sit and in the quietness of our homes, there is a place we all go to inside our minds that makes us relax. If your homes are not the area you are not able to relax, then it could be outside with nature, but find this quietness.

Once you have decided that you are comfortable then analyse your own feelings and emotions.

You will realise that being at peace you have a completely different mind set when a person is all tense. This is because you have left all the tensions of life in another part of your mind and now focusing on that part that is giving you joy.

When we change our perspective of our life and stop blaming and judging others we begin to see with a different pair of eyes. It is this different outlook in life with the help of out thought pattern, we will find the peace that is needed.

By just changing our own approach to life, it is the biggest start of our learning to the path of enlightenment. As soon as we change one’s mind set again then the worries and tensions come back again.

My dear ones we do accept that so many are going through moments when relaxing can be difficult. If we sit down for a moment and put all these predicaments in a basket at the corner of our mind; then have a totally different outlook in life and at the same time, say to ourselves that life is getting better for me and then believe.

Our mind set is vitally important to the development of the inner being. If we become bitter and resentful to others then we bring unhappiness and tension to our lives. Learn to put all these mixed emotions away once and for all forever.

Today is your day and find the excitement back into your life.

Your mother; learning should not be a burden to anyone as long as his mind is at peace.

Message from Ascended Master Saida Khatoon
Channelled by Shazi
Further Reading: Signpost to the Source



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